This is not your world—with its wars, floods, famine and disease. People are living out their lives in a world
of lies, theft, and murder, all being legislated into law in some form or fashion. This betrayal of human government
against the innocent even masquerades as virtuous. Just ask any successful person how they've struggled to live
up to their conscience, having to face and overcome fierce temptations to achieve their goals—how they've been required
to violate the rules of decency where every rank in every line of business is shackled to some extent by traditions of injustice.
Have you ever been bribed to ignore your clear convictions of conscience, or ridiculed for taking a stand for a treasured
principle of your heart; scarred for life through some personal tragedy or a series of them, or threatened with death through
accidental injury or by some individual to whom life is cheap? Have you noticed how virtually every kind gesture from
people is met with some form of retribution: a price they have to pay for their kindness? The more you want to do good
the more you are hindered from it. This is not your world.
None of us asked to be born
who we are, where we are, and what we are. In all these things that are imposed upon us from conception we had no choice.
Therefore, people all around the world look to the existence of GOD for the fulfillment of human needs: needs that this world
will forever be incapable of providing. We've had a few thousand years to establish equality among men and we are
as far from it today as were our ancestors. But the common denominator between all people is the heaven-born insistence for
justice, mercy and love.
Let us return to a certain moment of our youth, the time when every little child
goes through the phase of exploring why things are the way they are. They ask the questions, "How come?" and
"Why?" It is a phase of their development exhibiting an overpowering hunger to explore their boundaries of understanding.
Even as grownups we do have the right to ask, "Why do we not live in a perfect world?" The human race deserves
an answer to this most fundamental question. Everyone has their personal ideals for what makes a perfect life.
Our ideals are not being met, but we desire to see them fulfilled. There is no fountain of youth, but everyone would
like to live forever in the vigor of youth. We aspire to give and receive compassion, kindness and love, in copious
amounts, and yet, inconsiderate behavior is the dominant force in man's relationships whether of family, friends or marriage
because of the self-serving conditions placed on them. And everyone desires to live in a world with universal peace,
but utopian life does not exist on Earth, not with the smothering cruelty and suffering taking place every moment of every
day. Because as wonderful as life is for many people there are equal numbers in terrible affliction and even peril:
many of whom, right now, view death to be a savior from their pain. Our ears are sheltered from hearing the shriek of
life’s anguish emanating from this world: the cry of misery from trillions of creatures, from the lowliest life to the
loftiness of man. This is the predominant music echoing from Earth to the heavens.
There are
many reasons why Utopia remains far from our reach. But at the heart of it all a spirit of cruel ambition rules over
the people of Earth, and the consequence of this is that the basic needs of the common man are withheld by the competitive
greed permitted within government, business, religion, medicine and even science. There is no position in life that
has not been crippled to some extent by the insatiable lust of ambition. The common philosophy of life upheld today
guarantees the literal sacrifice of innocent life on the altar of ambition. And while hiding behind a façade
of care and security (for the so-called greater good of the people) this deplorable behavior is even viewed as a desirable
means of upholding day-to-day living. The result of this, today’s values overrule the moral standard of courteous
behavior, that, if honored, would spare every man, woman and child from the threat of selfish favoritism, indifference, hypocrisy
and tyranny. But men in leadership roles have lawfully banned the decency that guarantees our mutual security.
Men have turned their backs on the beckoning of conscience for justice, mercy and love. The result is that the system
of human government presently ruling our world is fundamentally immoral. This is easily verified by the needless suffering
of so many people.
The voice of conscience demanding equality between all men is silenced by the structure of government and finance that is
patterned to give exaggerated benefit to the wealthy class of men whose insatiable thirst for personal gain knows no limits,
while all others who are viewed as being of less value than themselves are left to the time and chance of the variety of personal
disasters people face in this world, abandoned to their ill fate as if it is somehow deserving. Thus, we live in a world of
the haves and have-nots. While the power of choice contributes greatly to where we find ourselves individually,
the structure of society contributes greatly to the existing hardships imposed on people, being backed into corners where
desperation takes hold and uneducated passions lead to hurtful actions.
The world’s very
structure of values breeds anxiety for possessions having no lasting value, thus hindering the universal wish of all people:
to live a utopian life of simplicity and security. Western culture is drowning in a sea of competitive business, politics
and religion whose greedy character works to silence the very human ideals for justice, mercy, and love. The cruelty caused
by the spirit of competition is the leverage used to cross the boundary of decency into the realm of self-serving
greed. Thus, the disparity between modest living and luxurious living has become so vast that the needed reform to bring
equality to all people has become technically impossible. Every avenue of revision has been cut off with guard-posts
set up by the lawyers working for "the kings of Earth." Besides, the media continuously mocks the common man
by exalting those with sexual beauty, power, wealth and fame. This is society’s prescription for happiness: a
brief seventy years of self-serving pleasure. And for those of us who are the have-nots of this world we are merely
left to vicariously live through the lives of those we are led to esteem as being of more value than ourselves.
throughout time people have held aspirations that unless these hopes are met, true peace of mind can never be achieved in
life. The frustration brought about by the continual collision between our childhood hopes and the imposed hardships
of adult reality trains a cruel indifference in our society. This is a leading reason why we see so many people turning
a blind eye and a deaf ear to the global heartache that is smothering the earth.
Deliverance from the oppressive
qualities of life is an age-old desire of mankind. What seems to be lost is the knowledge that the afflictions of life
exist because simple laws, values—virtues have been held back, preventing utopian life, and giving men a taste of what
life—could be. In order to overcome the obstacles that hold back our mutual safety we must first be able to identify
the laws that secure our mutual safety.
But where do we turn to begin our
research? There is a marvelous storehouse of knowledge today. The variety of subjects one can choose to study
seems as infinite as the boundaries of the universe. While a certain number of these fields of study are destructive,
leading mankind to the threshold of extinction such as the technology of war there are some areas of research that, when rightly
engaged, will uplift the nobility and dignity of man. One of these studies is the science of symbiosis. This is
the one tangible science revealing the form of government that rules throughout the heavens: an administration of laws preserving
benevolent love.
The concept of a universe whose every component functions for the sole
purpose of protecting the existence of life is the most important lesson for modern man to learn; for man's charted course
is continuously at war with this principle. An illustration which validates the law of symbiosis is to examine the various
components of the human body. Your heart exists for one purpose, to serve your continued life. Your body’s
every component that keeps you living and breathing exists—to serve you, providing the capabilities to achieve your
personal goals whose fruit is happiness. Every facet of your physiology works in harmony to the benefit of the whole.
And then there is the brain, the command post where your body’s inner mechanisms are masterfully coordinated, as well
as all creative endeavors of your consciousness that bring joy to your life. And should any of the organs become overtaxed
and infected with disease the whole body unites and comes to its rescue. It is through the plural, harmonious contribution
from the body's living machinery that your life continues. But, when any one of the vital organs shuts down the
whole living mechanism supporting your conscious life comes to an end. That is how vital the living machinery is in
its contribution to the perpetuation of life; and how vital obedience is to the law of benevolent love.
Environmentally, economically and emotionally, America is sustained by a very fragile support structure. Our vulnerability
to the ever-increasing threats from both nature and man’s industry guarantees that should an economic collapse become
imminent a great change in our society’s manner of living will take place. Within this framework a general frustration
fostering social hatred is brewing in America, and many from all walks of life stand among them, including our leaders, religious
and secular alike.
To define this grand challenge of our generation a basic understanding
of life and the laws of regeneration is imperative. The cause and effect of where we are today and where it is leading
must be understood. With the mass of evidence proving the increasing harm to the life, land, water and air it becomes
rather absurd that man does not acknowledge his destructive and ultimately suicidal course. Man meddles in everything,
and it seems that virtually everything we put our hand to we bring harm to. And yet, we never seem to learn: we just keep
plowing ahead, blind to the blunder. There can only be one reason for this continued apathy to the increasing hardships:
the selfish pride of the human heart. We will not focus on the science but rather the cause and effect of man's
cruel indifference because how we have been dealing with 'progress' reflects how we treat one another individually.
As long as selfishness is allowed free reign in our relationships with one another we really are not safe with one another.
Being happy
is not wrong. Living a joyful life is not a sin. It is just a matter of how we achieve the happiness—how
we define the supreme joy. To some it is power; to others, drugs or alcohol; and to others it may be wealth, pornography,
or fine cuisine. But none of these things are of any value at the moment of death. It is what we carry to the
grave that determines the value of our existence—on what we have established our self-worth. In other words—our
moral fiber. When our life's work promotes the welfare of others this character has historically been revered as
the superior standard, for it works to offset the awful tyranny that is being waged against the people of earth by both man
and nature. There are many charitable foundations and organizations whose sole intent is to soften some of the hammer-blows
of life: The Salvation Army, The Peace Corps, Greenpeace, ADRA, World Health Organization, churches, and the list goes on
and on. As wonderful and numerous as these essentially unselfish groups are, they cannot keep up with the never-ending
hardships among men. The cards are stacked against them.
Before we investigate further in the ethics
of utopia let us begin with the only solution to our dilemma. It is very simple. Deliverance from the heavy-handed
cruelty that rules over life must come from a power beyond man's control—beyond man's ability of manipulation.
We've had a few thousand years to put into practice equal justice, and the result to this day remains a dereliction of
our duty to one another. Try as we may, the fountain of youth will never be invented, the untrustworthy nature inborn
to every man will never be removed, (regardless of pharmaceuticals or genetic manipulation), nor will the avenues of temptation
be eliminated through which man has ever surrendered his will to those base lusts that can never be satisfied regardless of
their indulgence. Our deliverance must come from a Divine Power: a Divine Being who has established laws that have made
provision for our rescue.
There are many ways to prove the existence of GOD and the invincible,
unprofaned character of the book we call the Holy Bible. But most importantly, because unselfish love is the cornerstone
of Creation's government, the GOD of Creation must be a GOD of Infinite Love. The relationship between GOD and His
Creation must be founded on the very laws He established: the laws of sacrifice and love. As time is infinite, as space
is infinite, so must His love be infinite. And the beauty of this is that these laws will never change: we can rest
in the knowledge that the law of unselfish love will rule forever irregardless of its temporary overruling by men.
There is
compelling evidence to confirm that there are controlling forces outside of our ability to control our destiny. Plentiful
proof is seen in the mystical aspects of life. Behold the events of the supernatural recorded throughout history and
in all religions: spirit guides, fortune-telling, miracles, after‑death experiences, alien sightings and abductions,
miracle healings, psychics, astrology, ghosts, witchcraft, voodoo, and Satan worship. These would not have drawn the
countless followers throughout time unless there was evidence; some kind of visual manifestation—something tangible
to the senses. And with the wide diversity of witnessed occurrences, drawing allegiance from billions of people should
prove to all that there are controlling forces beyond our control and manipulation, drawing us to give our allegiance to the
jurisdiction of these forces. Who we choose to side with determines our destination. Who we make ourselves vulnerable
to determines whether we are blessed or betrayed.
Now, the agnostic generally refuses to believe in anything outside
of the limitations of our sense of sight, sound, smell and touch. I, at one time, stood with them in this view.
But while studying music in New York City I went to see a certain fortuneteller at the recommendation of a friend. This
woman used Tarot cards to read my fortune. She laid them down on the table in front of me and told me according to the
meaning of the cards what was in my past, present, and future. Everything she stated was perfectly precise in what was
transpiring in my life at that time: everything from recent events to the decisions I had just made for my future. I
was not a Christian at this time but I did have enough sense to ask the question, “Who shuffled the deck?”
This clearly was no coincidence—no random stroke of luck. This experience taught me a very important lesson: there
are controlling forces outside of our ability to control our own destiny. It proved to me that beyond the three dimensional
experience of human beings there is a dimension where powers of supernatural intervention exist. Physicists today have
calculated ten dimensions proving there is much beyond our very limited spectrum of sense and understanding. Even the
animal kingdom is far superior to us in host of areas: strength, agility, sight, hearing, and sense of direction. The
recent tsunami of the Indian Ocean verifies that the animals knew in advance that the deadly wave was coming and quickly ascended
to higher ground. Even the big’ole elephants made no hesitation to move to safety.
Let us now review the cause
and effect of where we are today and where it is leading. GOD established many laws when He created our Universal Home.
There is the law of gravity, laws of physics and biology; and none of them will ever change; with each of them contributing
to the everlasting security of the heavens. Man relies on these laws and respects their authority in every advance made
in science, technology, medicine and engineering. GOD even gave to men the Moral Code for living: The Ten Commandments, that
if followed, no man, woman, or child would suffer injustice at the hands of another. GOD gave His personal promise on
this when He said, “ye shall find rest for your souls.” Book of Jeremiah 6:16. Utopia is found within the
boundaries of those simple laws of life. No social injustice can rise in this atmosphere. But the fact that the world
is filled with unrest proves that the world is openly insubordinate to GOD’S Holy Law. And yet, if men did not
covet the things that did not belong to them there would be no war. If men didn’t lie, you would not be deceived
and betrayed. If men didn’t steal, your possessions and hard earned money would be safe. If there was no
adultery or pornography, married couples would grow old hand in hand without the threat of infidelity, and children would
not be dying of AIDS. And if there was no bigotry or hatred, tyranny and murder would not exist. Locks on doors
would be removed. Prisons would be turned into gardens. Every weapon of war would be dismantled.
Did you know that GOD has even provided a law for music? An endearing lesson is learned when we examine this law and
see its relationship with GOD’S other established laws. When we pluck a string on any instrument it vibrates producing
the sound we hear. But the vibration of a string produces many other tones as well, called harmonics. These are
produced because the string subdivides its length during the vibration: by half, quarters, eighths, etc. We can hear
these natural harmonics of the string if we listen carefully, but because their influence is so quiet when compared to the
fundamental tone they remain largely hidden to our notice. And yet, it is their influence that explains our love for
music. So, when we play as a harmony the ten primary harmonics of a string it produces a quality of sound that
brings joy to the heart. In music we define this quality as major. The unchangeable law for the vibration
of sound produces a most endearing sound to the human soul, actually drawing a deep emotional rest. When we compare
the joy found in the law of music to GOD’S other established laws we discover that all of them were given to celebrate
the hearts of people and provide rest to the soul no less than the law of music. Do you see the parallel? And
by remaining within the boundaries of their jurisdiction this will always guarantee our happiness.
now we must ask the questions: Why is there so much unhappiness? Why is man is at war with his own peace of mind, actually
warring against the very laws that GOD gave to secure our mutual peace and joy? These laws exist to secure and perpetuate
utopian life. But there is no utopia on earth—yet. This war, GOD says in the Holy Bible, is a battle
between selfish gratification and benevolent love; and this is why the Ten Commandments declare all self-worship, idolatry
of man-made objects, people and false ideas, misusing GOD’S name, seventh-day Sabbath denial, dishonoring of parents,
murder, adultery, theft, lying, and covetousness to be self-destructive. The Bible calls this sin. In essence,
GOD’S desire is that man shun the things that bring harm to himself. Sin always robs from man the security and
joy GOD ordained for His children to receive from His hand. GOD’S Law works to the promotion of life, never its
harm or destruction! But society’s continual indulgence in sin shows the foolishness of man, for sin is at war
not only with the security of life but also the aspirations of the human conscience that GOD has placed into every heart.
He gave to us our deep abiding love for music, and He works to draw from human hearts that same love for His other equally
commending laws, through whose allegiance all would be safe. And yet, under man’s system of laws no one is safe.
As a result of this disloyalty to the Laws of Utopia, sinful man is proven to be unfit to govern himself.
yet, the remedy to our dilemma is so simple a little child can understand it, and will eagerly embrace the readily available
protection. The GOD who lives to serve calls you and me to do the same. True service to GOD and to Man is only
seen in affectionate loyalty to all His commandments. Not eight, as the Vatican promotes. Not nine, as Protestant America
promotes. But ten, as Jesus promotes when He said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” The Bible
is crystal clear in its fundamental doctrine that to dishonor any one of the Ten Commandments leads to the collapse of them
all. They are truly the spiritual “vital organs” of our survival, both in this world and in the new Earth
that is promised to come.
The base passions must be subservient to the power of reason not the other way
around. But this takes discipline. As with any muscle, exercise gives strength. And yet, the lives of multitudes
are literally crippled in their lack of understanding, trapped in the impulse of instinct and popular accepted values.
Most declare, “My feelings and gut instinct are my counselors and my guide.” Many innocent men have
gone to the electric chair simply because of a hunch.
The wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon provided
some precious insight on this when he said, “Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not…Forsake her not, and
she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and
with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when
thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee…and
the years of thy life shall be many.”
Wisdom dictates that if I honor the Ten Commandments you are safe
with me. Your family and friends are safe with me. And if you honor that Law I and those I love are safe with
you. This is the only Law where we are safe in one another’s care. Restoring the Ten Commandments to the
throne of life’s government will bring utopia to you and to me. But please understand, in this world this can
never be, either in secular or religious ideology. They are united in denying the laws of utopia, and a million years
of life will never change their minds. The Bible is clear in its prophecy on this. And we must understand why.
The tyranny and the heartache that rules this world did not begin here. The Bible declares its origin took place in
the heavenly courts where the Throne of GOD resides. And because the Author of tyranny came to this world and assaulted
the dignity of life, the tranquility of Earth was taken away. And there was only one way for the Creator to reestablish
His eternal purpose for the life of our world: He had to leave the heavenly abode and become as one with His children, and
become the Victor on our behalf in the war against tyranny.
We are free to ask the question
and deserve an appropriate answer: Just who is Jesus? What was the purpose of His life? Why did He turn away from the
Jewish people’s demand to make Him king? Why did the church and state, who utterly despised one another’s
power and authority unite and come together as one, to shred the flesh of His back, place a crown of piercing thorns on the
temple of His brow, and then nail His hands and feet to a tree and leave Him there to die? There is a war taking place:
between those who love peace and safety and those who are willing to take it away simply because of their insatiable lust
for power. This is a war with supernatural powers involved, battling within a physical dimension beyond man's ability
of discernment. The stories of science fiction cannot fathom the depth of the reality of the invasion of Earth by evil angels,
nor the origin of life's creation in six literal days, let alone the the history of spiritual involvement of holy
and evil angels, nor the destiny of Earth's eternal purpose for those who "love God and keep His commandments."
Even if the story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and the salvation of His children was fiction it would still be the greatest story ever told. But the war between Christ
and the revolutionary angel, Satan, is not fiction, selfishly imagined by men. And we the human race are caught in the
tempest between those who work to destroy life and happiness and those who work to preserve life and happiness. This
is why we see such a broad spectrum between decent, caring people, and those to whom life has no sacred value whatsoever.
The Bible teaches that there are two classes
of angels on the Earth, Holy and unholy, and each class tirelessly works to gain the allegiance of every person. These
two classes of angels serve their respective commanders. Christ is Commander of the Holy Angels; and the devil, or Satan,
leads the demon angels. Jesus Christ and Satan represent the two forms of government competing for the supremacy of
this world.
we were not left alone to fend for ourselves. GOD has assigned a holy guardian angel to everyone, from birth ’til death:
to protect and guide each person to a saving knowledge of the Creator and the Laws of His government: Laws in which we are
safe in one another's care. Evidence of this is seen in the Words of Jesus when He spoke of the little children throughout
the world, "their angels always behold the face of My Father who is in heaven." Christ's words, "their
angels" is in the personal possessive tense. Your guardian angel, whose strength and character makes fictional
heroes like superman look like careless weaklings in comparison, has been speaking to you your whole life with a
tender, endearing voice. Every wise decision you have ever made; every gesture of unselfish love; every sacrifice made
for the benefit of others, whether for men or animals has been due to the leading of his voice, empowered with the Spirit
of GOD. And when circumstances allow, holy angels are commanded to intervene and spare many lives every day. These
miraculous displays, ranging from the subtle to the obvious, are as evident as the shining sun. Then why is it that
many die needlessly including multitudes of innocent people? The hard answer: What is within the power of man to accomplish
GOD cannot be held responsible for. Then there are those circumstances where GOD is legally helpless to intervene, such
as the slave who only knew the lash of the whip from birth ‘til death. And concerning the many natural disasters,
these fall under the jurisdiction of the one Jesus called “the prince of this world,” Satan. Let us now
examine the source of all death, all affliction, and all secrecy and deception carried out against the life of Earth.
On earth, tyrants are commonplace. They
are found in the family setting, churches, corporations and governments. The Bible tells of the greatest tyrant of all,
a self-imposed dictator that arose to prominence in heaven whose name was Lucifer (meaning Day of the Sun).
Through the art of deception this once great “cherub” (meaning, four winged angel) started a revolt against
GOD and the laws He gave to preserve the security of life. The Bible reads, “And there was war in heaven: Michael
and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place
found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Rev.12:7.
Satan launched a war against GOD’S founding gift: the tranquility of eternal life with peaceful security for
all creatures, great and small. The focus of the devil’s war against GOD is to do away with the one Commandment
assuring GOD'S promise of everlasting tranquility, and through the transgression of this one Commandment the violation
of all other Commandments of GOD has followed. This promise of universal tranquility is only found in the 4th Commandment:
specifically the joyful rest of the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday): the day GOD calls all mankind to enter His rest with the
full knowledge that He has provided everything that will meet the needs of His children forever; and this now includes our
salvation through the willing sacrifice of the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ, to remove the sins of mankind.
This sacred rest was stolen from GOD and man
simply through the insatiable greed of Satan who alone introduced the concept of war to assault the holy tranquility GOD provided
to all living things “In the beginning:” a tranquility that was reaffirmed every seventh day (Saturday, not Sunday).
And yet, because of the devil's success in his covert espionage against GOD’S Sacred Love, all major religions of
Earth: ruling Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Spiritualism, Atheism, witchcraft and voodoo stand united with Satan
in their violation of this Sacred Law, a Law which is as eternal as the law of gravity: a law that after all is said and done
will be honored throughout eternity (Isaiah 66:22,23).
Men, in and out of the church are blind to the sophisticated schemes of Satan. Nevertheless, the Bible spells out
every characteristic of Satan's mighty intellect and physical strength. Men today are dwarfs in every respect when
compared to the cold, calculating mind of Satan and the capabilities that GOD had originally endowed him with. But, when it
comes to the holy channel of love, Satan can only counterfeit love he cannot receive its blessing, for he stepped
away from it’s caressing flow through his rage against life.
From the very beginning of the human race, Satan exploited man's heaven-born love and compassion to secure the destruction
of man, as witnessed in every fraud ever committed (cloaked in the garb of care and friendship). But even though his IQ is
a minimum of 3000, this is no indicator of true intellect. And so it is with men. Having a high degree of intelligence
is no measuring stick of godliness. All one has to do is to look at a little four year old girl with so little understanding
and experience in life but whose natural love in her heart leads her to pray at her bedside every night, “GOD bless
Mommy; GOD bless Daddy; GOD bless all my friends. Thank you Jesus, amen.” This little girl who looks to Jesus is infinitely
smarter than the one who has rejected Him regardless of intellect, education or life’s experience. This is a hard lesson
for some, but the trust and humility of children deserves recognition. The tame nature of children deserve our acclamation,
as Jesus said, "Unless ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Did you know that there is an organized church who openly worships Satan? It is listed among the churches here in the
United States. You can even find it listed in the Yellow Pages. And the testimonies of his supernatural intervention
to convince his followers of his power are countless. He uses the selfishness of men to carry out his plan to overthrow the
very existence of America's Constitutional freedoms: freedoms established by Christ Himself. Our right to free speech,
rights of ownership, even Christ's explicit command for separation of church and state (Lu.22:25,26) as well as our liberty
of conscience to follow one’s talents and burdens: all have their origin in the freedoms established by the unmistakable
words of Jesus Christ. But step by step the enemy of life is working through his puppets among men to overrule our nation's
long held liberty.
The inherent selfishness of men has been instrumental in Satan’s success to overthrow the pillars of our heaven
ordained freedom. Kings, CEO's, bankers, lawyers, artists and musicians openly worship him. "The
Master," as he is called, makes many promises to those who serve him, and he fulfills the base lusts and brings temporal
riches to those who worship him. [He offered these same benefits to Christ when Jesus was fasting for forty days preparing
for His public ministry (Matthew 4:8-10).] Satan determines the fads of movies, art, music, language and culture: ever stressing
the need for increasing controversy in the path of man's continuing degradation, to the point of blinding man's discernment to
understand what constitutes utopian government.
What Satan's followers are blind to recognize are the indispensable words of Jesus Christ concerning Satan, as it
is written: "He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth; for there is no truth in Him. When he speaketh
a lie he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it."
Any assurance Satan extends to his followers is merely a rope
of sand, for the fate of Satan is clear according to the many prophecies of the Bible. In one passage alone, GOD
has given His irrevocable prophecy of Satan's final destruction: "I will destroy thee, O covering cherub...I will
bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth...and never
shalt thou be anymore." This fate will be for all who have followed his government of sin: turning to the things
that bring harm to life. The Bible’s many prophecies for the unapologetic men and women are clear: “For,
behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and
the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the LORD of hosts…for they shall be ashes.” “They shall be
as though they had never been.”
The leading religions of Earth: Christianity
and Islam have scorned this prophecy of the Biblical fate of Satan and all whom he has deceived. These leading religions
of the world instead declare that all who reject GOD'S love will suffer in the flesh tormenting flames of hell
forever: to be tortured by fire for their sins eternally. In summation: The most pathetic oxymoron that could ever be
conceived to assassinate character of GOD (as witnessed on Calvary) has been declared irrevocable by men of the most
primitive ignorance. (And we wonder why atheistic thought rules our science and education throughout the civilized world.)
The result of this pinnacle of religious falsehood leads multitudes to declare: "If this is Christianity, I
don't want it." And they are just in their declaration!
But GOD calls men to ignore the rubbish of "the traditions of men" and follow the leading of His Spirit through
the voice of their guardian angel in accordance with sound Bible teaching and Utopian Law. In other words:
follow the ideals of our childhood dreams (Matthew 18:3). This alone will lead us to the Cross of Christ's sacrifice;
and with tears we will see the immeasurable humiliation and sacrifice of the Omnipotent Creator Who became the Christ to remove
every guilt and shame caused by our personal sins.
The immense loss of life is the great holocaust Satan brought to our world. His unseen invasion and dominion will cost
the lives of the vast majority of men who have lived, with population estimates ranging from 40-120 billion people.
But, keep in mind that the Bible teaches that the Earth is the only world infected with the terminal cancer of Satan’s
government. The rest of the universe is free from his moldering influence. And what is the result of his dominion
and control over the natural forces of his realm? He has most of the creatures competing in cruel hostility! He
has men needlessly conquering and slaughtering one another simply for the lust of power and temporary gain. The Bible
teaches that Satan has the legal right and ability to create hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, thorns, poison ivy,
mosquitoes, ticks, lice and disease. All of these ravage the life of earth through his cruel manipulation. The
Bible even gives prophecy that Satan will one day soon ignite fire in the sky, and cause it to destroy life and property.
This event is just on the horizon of our day. The Bible says, “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire
come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those
miracles which he had power to do.” Revelation 13:15. This forthcoming event is the modern counterpart to an ancient
event caused by Satan thousands of years ago, as it is written, "The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned
up the sheep and the servants and consumed them." Job 1:16. Thus, the great lesson here is that the Bible's history
of the human race is our greatest resource to understand our future. In essence: our history is our future, for
"there is nothing new under the sun."
Among the most common miracles
Satan employs to deceive men is the ability of demon angels to take on the appearance and voice of the deceased. GOD
warned His children to have nothing to do with the dead, period. He specifically called it "an abomination"
in the 5th book of Moses called Deuteronomy (18:9-13). The great Apostle Paul likewise warned of the danger of demons
impersonating the Twelve Apostles and Holy Angels when he said, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any
other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
Despite GOD'S counsel, given over 3,400 years ago, the
common spiritualism, from séances to visions of the impersonated virgin Mary, hold the allegiance of millions of people
who are illiterate to the Sacred doctrines of GOD. Simply put, GOD'S Word was given to both assure His children
of His salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and to defend His children against all dishonest practices.
All of the disgraceful treatment of life in
this world is because of Satan not the GOD of heaven. His liberties include the exercise of mind control over his victims;
for his presence is hidden from human view; and through his weaponry of deception through the avenues of temptation and impulse
he leads life to every form of degradation, poverty and pride that we see today. He exercises his rage against life
through the creatures of earth to carry out every conceivable atrocity and injustice. The suffering and death of life
is his only entertainment. All sadistic glee has its origin in him. And the reality is, that no matter what despicable
thing you can imagine it is being carried out every moment of every day. This is the system of government that has held
sway since Satan seized the dominion of earth from our Premier Father and Mother, Adam and Eve, and then claimed it as his
own. He is the quintessential tyrant. And man is physically, mentally, and spiritually incapable of standing against
his powers. Therefore, Christ alone must be allowed to face him on our behalf. As Christ defeated Satan during
His forty day fast, as Christ defeated Satan by conquering the grave, so Christ will defeat Satan in your life by His invited
presence in your life. And all that is requested of us is that we ask for His presence: to enlighten the mind, to give
us forgiveness for our enemies, and above all, His providing the supreme joy in the knowledge of a better world
through His victory: a world where every dream of the human heart will find its ultimate fulfillment.
And GOD gave an oath of His victory for us and through us, “Ye
shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you.”
While the Bible is clear that GOD the Father is all sovereign
and Omniscient, it is also clear that He does not bear the blame for the global holocaust that befell the Earth; for
His gift to all life of a freewill has been abused by freewill beings, even to their own destruction. Liberty of choice will
never be taken away, because the greatest gift next to life is your freewill. Therefore, GOD must allow man's choice
to sin play itself out that all may see its true intentions and destination; for after all is said and done, GOD’S
prophecies will be fulfilled in "the new heavens and the new earth," “affliction shall not rise up the
second time.” "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." "The wolf also shall dwell with
the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little
child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6.
The path of man under Satan’s jurisdiction is truly the
path of suicide. And without Christ’s victory none would escape! Ultimately, it is a war between Satan’s
destruction of life and GOD’S deliverance from that destruction. Satan kidnapped our world and he has no intentions
of ever setting his captives free! But Christ came to fight the battle on our behalf. And through His victory
over Satan's government of sin and its resulting death sentence Jesus Christ will vanquish the Enemy and restore the eternal
joy of His children, of which the 4th Commandment, the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday, not Sunday) is the seal of His victory
and the seal of our faith, resting in His victory. This is why Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man and not
man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.” Jesus Christ, The Great General of
Righteousness, has been declared the Victor! On this the Bible pledges; and all are called to believe what GOD has done
to deliver every man from the slavery of sin: its condemnation [death], its power [our selfish nature], and its very presence
[the temptations of demons]. The promise of GOD’S restoration of Utopia is as sure as the sun, moon, and stars:
“For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before me saith the LORD…It shall come
to pass…from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the LORD.”
The world’s
religions are blind to the fact that the leading attribute of Jesus Christ according to the Bible is that of Creator.
The power attending His Word spoke life into existence! Over 800 verses of the Bible testify to this fact. Only
the Father of man could redeem the children of man. In the legal framework of salvation it was required that GOD Himself
become as one with the fallen race. In essence, GOD could only redeem what man is by becoming what man is in order to
bring man to Him where He is. This was the purpose of Jesus Christ. The Apostles describe the saving grace of GOD in
His infinite humility to leave the heavenly courts of glory and become a man in a dark, foreboding world: “In the beginning
was the Word [an old Jewish term for the Creator who spoke all into existence], and the Word was with GOD, and the
Word was GOD. He was in the beginning with GOD. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything
made that was made.” “For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible
and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.” “And the Word became flesh and
dwelt among us.” Jn.1:1-3; Col.1:16,17; Jn.1:14a.
Said Christ Himself: “I am the Root
and Offspring of David.” “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” “If the Son therefore
shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” The prophet Isaiah wrote of Him, “And His Name shall be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
For those of you who have not
had the opportunity, you are about to learn how GOD has literally, legally, and morally removed our entire inheritance of
a selfish nature and its resulting death that we received through the inheritance given by our Premier Father Adam, for when
he willfully sinned against the Holy Law of GOD, causing his eventual death, he passed on this legacy to all his children
who were yet unborn. All succeeding generations received the death-sentence through the sin of the first man, Adam.
The corporate nature of the human race, tied to one man, is key to understand the inheritance of death that none of us asked
to receive. The responsibility for our deliverance then fell to the father of Adam, The Creator Himself who became the Christ
to bring the human family back from the fallen nature as well as the grave and restore all that has been lost because of sin.
Only the Father of Adam could redeem the children of Adam by becoming as one of his children, live the sinless life that none
among the human race could ever do, and through His sinless life conquer the domain of death that its jurisdiction over the
family of Adam would be forever ended for those who honor His Law and/or those who hear the message of the Gospel,
believing His good news of deliverance from the condemnation, power and presence of sin.
fortify your understanding in what Jesus has done for the whole human race let us review the legal dominion of death and see
how Christ conquered it on the behalf of man. The Bible says, “The soul that sinneth it shall die;” for,
“the wages of sin is death.” The dominion of death exists to confine every life-threatening sin: to hold
in the void of non-existence all that threatens the security of life. That is the sole function of death. It has
no other purpose but to protect the living. So, when Jesus Christ was forced into the grave at the hands of lawless
men, having never united His will with sin either by thought or deed, the grave had no legal right to hold Him: it had to
set Him free; for death can only hold sin, of which Christ had none! The Apostle Peter said, “it was not possible
that He should be holden of it” (Acts 2:24). And as Christ is the Father of the human race and the ‘first
in line’ of this victory over sin and the grave, all His children are now to follow His path of resurrection from the
dead. Said Paul, “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” Every man from Adam
to the last is to be raised from the grave. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ultimate Emancipation Proclamation. Our
deliverance from the slavery of death is sure! This is why the whole human race will stand before Christ in the end
of time. The Bible calls this, “the power of His resurrection.”
Through Jesus Christ the whole
human race today legally and ethically now stands where Adam stood before sin entered our world—in a place of innocence
before GOD. Mankind now has a new Sinless Father, Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul called Him, “the last Adam.”
This is the Gospel! And because of Christ’s sinless History as our new history: His resurrection our resurrection:
His everlasting life our everlasting life, GOD now has the legal right to call us the sons and daughters of GOD. And
He will resurrect from the grave all who have died and fallen asleep. But before the 2nd Advent of Christ with His retinue
of holy angels who shall fill the sky, where “every eye shall see him,” GOD has only one request of you
and of me: Honor the Law Christ obeyed unto His death to redeem us: the only Law where we are safe in one another’s
care: “the law of liberty:” GOD’S Emblem of Love and Freedom: the Ten Commandments. With GOD’S
presence in your life this victory is guaranteed. Said the Apostle Paul, “But if the Spirit of him that raised
up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit
that dwelleth in you.” We simply pray to our Father for the presence of the Holy Spirit, believing His earnest
desire to send Him to us. We then embrace to our hearts the comfort and joy of His companionship, exercising the godly
heart, striving to preserve a good conscience concerning His leading in our lives. And should we get tripped up and
fall back into sin the Bible says, “And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby
we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments,
is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know
we that we are in him.”
These words of the Apostle teach that not everyone will believe
this message nor give honor to the Law of GOD. Not everyone will repent of the sins that lead men to self-destruction.
Many will not be granted the gift of everlasting life. GOD must allow them their choice. He must allow them to
die. But the message of the Gospel gives us the freedom to choose to share in Christ's victory over sin and
death. Our freewill offering to GOD, allowing Him to carry forth the victory in our lives is the most glorious doctrine
ever given to men. GOD stated His great desire a long time ago, “That I may dwell among them.” That’s
what this is all about, to restore the severed companionship that Satan has wrought between GOD and His children. And
for men to remain in the exercise of sin GOD cannot dwell within their hearts.
But the fruit of His companionship in our lives is simply this: you and I, the weakest of the weak can demonstrate the same
love to our fellow man that drew GOD Himself to redeem a fallen race. It is this love that sadly most of the people
of earth are at war with, including most professed Christians, because 'agape' [the Greek word Christ used
for heaven's love (the love GOD provides through His presence)] demands the abandonment of sin; and freedom to
sin has become more important to them than GOD’S deliverance or His presence. But sin (the cause of all suffering and
destruction) can have no partnership with Christ or His salvation.
we all face today GOD promises to take away because He found a way to bring back what was once a glorious day.
There was once a span of time before stars, angels and men
when GOD sat alone on His Throne.
careful thought He weighed the plot
to build our universal home.
Love must be seen—to serve must be
by all who make their home in His realm.
Only by this can creatures have bliss
and safe shall
they be from harm.
But then came the one who was first in the realm
next to the GOD of heaven.
used his free will to bring death and a chill
and all who oppose him he kills.
But GOD knew the choice that
many would pursue
that leads away from Him.
To undo the curse that brought tears and loss
GOD gave
up His throne and went to the Cross.
That infinite expanse of time before the creation of life was devoted
by our Creator to one purpose and one purpose alone according to Jesus Christ, “That your joy might be full.”
Today, multitudes are in misery. GOD never intended this course for His freewill children. And that’s what this
is all about. It is about the preservation of your free will: to do, to explore, to love—to live forever.
“Once upon a time” all was harmonious in the paradise of Creation. Every living thing stood in the fullness
of GOD’S intended purpose; and the purpose for all life was simple: live to the service of others. Herein lies
the supreme joy. As long as angels and man focused their intelligence to the study of GOD’S subservient love towards
His Creation, aspiring to its full understanding, GOD would remain forever praised and exalted as THE ELITE MINISTER of this
When GOD created life He created a vast spectrum of creatures
from the most simple to the most complex. He assigned to each a specific duty accompanied with a psychological/emotional
constitution whose greatest joy was to be found in fulfilling that specific duty—all under the umbrella of subservient
love. Through this balance of nature all would be peaceful and constant. The history of sin has briefly interrupted
the intended purpose of GOD for His children. It is a mere blip of time in the span of eternity. But men choosing
to living in sin even caused the suffering and death of the Son of GOD: the Savior of the world. But the faith of the
Son of GOD that led to His victory over sin and the grave He offers to you and me the power of His own faith as He promised,
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will
sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and
am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”
What unequaled joy awaits those who love the cause of Christ. No other subject of study ennobles the character, nor
uplifts the dignity of life. No drug can duplicate its elation. No wealth can touch its security. No brief
rewards of lust can compare to its sustained sense of fulfillment. The least pain and superior joy available in this
present world is yours “without money and without price.” Forever choose to walk in GOD’S Truth, and
all that the Omniscient Father hath bestowed upon His Son will He bestow upon you.
Everlasting life is a promise of GOD to those who "love Him and keep His commandments;" and there is no lie, nor
contradiction in this. Hold to this promise. Never let it go. For this is one "hope that maketh
not ashamed." A world is coming whose characteristics of existence will be so far above the natural wonders of
our world that the Word of GOD gave several prophecies of how all of the creatures of earth, both great and small, will be
safe. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “and none shall make them afraid.” Carnivorous behavior will not exist.
Old age and death will forever be vanquished. And nothing will threaten our safety and happiness ever again. No woman
will say, She's prettier than I. No man will say, His physique is better than mine. The
anxieties of intimidation, the waves of inferiority, the clashes of personal taste will never rise in the minds of the redeemed.
Man, the Crowning Creation of GOD, will thrive in a tapestry of
life whose creative endeavors will last forever. Our Creator has designed our universal home with such a degree of diversity
and complexity that men will be busy in its study and exploration forever. And it will be discovered that ungodly aliens
do not exist, other civilizations of other worlds will never be destroyed by supernovas. The precious prophecies will
be fulfilled for us, “They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days
of a tree [immovable] are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour
in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf
and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.” “And God shall wipe away all tears from
their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former
things are passed away.”
And above all it will be discovered that man did not have to fall into
sin to learn that GOD would come to redeem them from their afflictions and fulfill every hope that He Himself placed in their
hearts “In the beginning.”