
Wrote the Apostle Paul: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which
we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Gal.1:8 The sins that are committed by men account for
every betrayal and ruin of nations seen through history. The LORD Jesus Christ well understood the fate of Judæa through
the nation's leaders rejecting His call to repentance. Just before His crucifixion Jesus warned His disciples of the coming
destruction of Jerusalem and the violent spirit that would overtake the nation and scatter both Jews and Christians. But Christ's
disciples were so trapped in the false prophecies taught in the synagogues that they had no idea what stood on the threshold
of their day. The Judaism of Christ’s
day had become so corrupt that the whole system was ordained by GOD to be swept away. This was verified by the words of Jesus
to the rabbis, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." Matt.23:38. Jesus gave His warning in prophetic utterance
to His disciples who urged His admiration for the temple of Herod who lavished tremendous sums of money, making it appear
so luxurious so as to lead people to believe that GOD approved of the corrupt religion of Orthodox Judaism. Jesus spoke in
no uncertain terms: “As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one
stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Lu.21:6. This prophecy of Christ was drawn from the "Seventy
weeks" prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 that centered on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and the aftermath of His rejection.
In verse 26 it is written: “the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.”
Even as Jesus was carrying His cross
to Calvary He gave one of the most solemn prophecies of His earthly ministry, warning how young mother’s with babies
would perish in the coming siege of Jerusalem (Matt.24:15-20). He specifically warned the women of this coming tragedy: “And
there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turning unto them
said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming,
in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then
shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. For if they do these things in a green tree,
what shall be done in the dry?” Lu.23:27-31.
Every lesson of the LORD Jesus Christ is infinitely profound! And yet, all of His lessons, without exception, were
drawn from the Old Testament Scriptures. So, the more we become familiar with the Bible’s great stories with their accompanying
lessons of salvation the more we appreciate our LORD’S using those lessons to guide our souls to “everlasting
life.” Let it be known that
the Bible's prophecies are the special target of Satan. Throughout history, false prophets have deceived men to their
ruin. As the Jews of Judæa were completely unaware of the gift of prophecy that Jesus had provided for their safety,
so today, the sacred prophecies from heaven are likewise hidden from today’s Christian. But it is in our discernment
and understanding of the prophecies assigned to our day that provides for our safety in the days ahead. We need to expose the "evil doers" in the
church today, and see their cunning to achieve an objective that has nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but only
their lust for power and authority. The core of today's church apostasy against Bible prophecy is discovered as we study
the "Seventy weeks" prophecy of Daniel. Jesus used Daniel 9:26 as the proof text for His prophecy of Jerusalem’s
destruction. But another exegesis of that verse is being given to the whole Christian world. And as a result, the church is
being played the fool today by a sinister commentary applied to that very verse that denies the words of Christ. And every
Christian needs to know who is behind this perversion that robs both GOD and man of the glory of this grand prophecy that
centers on "Messiah the Prince;" and yet has the gall to substitute a fictitious Antichrist in His place. This brief
overview will provide some insight on how important it is to have knowledge of the history of the Roman church, and how it
lends to where we are today and where this apostasy is leading the Christian world.
There are certain culprits behind the many deceptions that are taking place today: plans that are laid behind closed
doors. And the leading deceivers of the Christian faith are the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church. Little attention
is paid to this priesthood today and how they and Talmudic Jews have united in open rebellion against GOD and Jesus Christ.
With a little research it is readily seen how these two groups literally run America’s government, finances, justice,
and scholasticism. But historically, every Christian used to be well aware of the Jesuit threat and their illicit schemes
flooding the world with their evils during the counter-reformation. Their plots were so heinous that they have been banished
from many nations, including Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain and her colonies, Naples, Malta, Parma,
Philippines, and Japan. Even the pope (Clement XIV) disbanded them—for a time. But then came the United States of America.
At this time the pope following the pope that disbanded them reinstated their authority (Pius VII). During this time, Thomas
Jefferson wrote to John Adams of their threat to our fledgling nation of America: “Like you I fear the resurrection
of the Jesuits.“ But this is as Bible prophecy said it would be: Rome rules the world until Christ comes (Daniel, chapters
2 & 7; Revelation 13 & 17). So,
rather than examine their voluminous atrocities, from their attempt to murder King James and every Protestant legislator in
England in 1605 to their satanic vow of induction recorded in the United States Congress in 1913, let’s take a look
at just one example of their theological influence in the world today and see how the whole Christian world has swallowed
this fabrication: hook, line, and sinker.
The proof is in the contrast between Christ’s rendering of Daniel 9:26 and today’s commonly held view of
that verse along with verse 27. The origin of today’s dominant views of Bible prophecy goes back to the Jesuit, Francisco
Ribera, in 1575, to counter the Reformers’ unanimous view that the pope has always been and will always be the Great
Antichrist of Bible prophecy, with his title, “Vicarius felii Dei” adding up to 666 in each of the Bible’s
languages of Hebrew, Greek and Latin; thus fulfilling the verse: “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count
the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Rev.13:18. Every Bible believing Christian needs to see
how Rome assaults the most important Prophecy of the Holy Bible assigned to Jesus Christ by removing the glory of Jesus in
those verses and then applying those very verses to their fabricated Antichrist of the future.
A little background is needed to see where we are today and where we are heading as a race. Our knowledge of history
plays a huge role in understanding the cause and effect of the Bible’s prophecies concerning man’s destruction
in this present world (Isaiah 24). After
France’s General Berthier entered Rome in 1798 and banished the pope (the same pope who had banished the Jesuits) with
a civil decree removing all papal authority over the civil affairs of men, the Catholic Church lay in straits. The lost ground
of papal authority had to be recovered. The Jesuits of Rome had already established their foothold in Europe's universities
and seminaries laying the framework to pervert Bible prophecy and remove from Scripture any interpretation that is injurious
to “His Holiness” the pope. Without these extreme measures being taken, Rome would be so weakened so as to have
little influence to continue in her rulership over the Christian church.
Enter: the Rothschild bank. In 1823 the Rothschilds took over the Roman church’s finances.
Strangely enough, a series of wars began with the Rothschild bank providing loans to both sides in each violent and bloody
engagement. And by the year 1900 the Rothschild bank owned an estimated 50% of the world’s wealth. Combine that with
all of the wars in the 20th century, and the bank of Rome has profited immensely. Now Rome had the financial leverage to seize
control of world affairs. This fact
cannot be overstated: the Jesuits have instituted every popular belief in Bible prophecy held today, concerning Israel, the
future Antichrist, the secret rapture, the seven-year tribulation, the Middle East as the location for Armageddon, Russia
and China invading Israel, and 144,000 literal Jews finishing the Gospel commission. With limitless wealth at their disposal
coupled with the power of Satan's temptations to lure support for "the false prophet," they are succeeding in
fulfilling the prophecies of their own devising, the many prophetic fabrications extending all the way back to the year 1575
when the Jesuit, Francisco Ribera first devised the future Antichrist doctrine and the seven-year tribulation doctrine. So as we are witnessing the fulfillment of their
prophetic fabrications the whole Christian world is being lured into believing that GOD has been leading Rome and her Protestant
daughters in their promulgation of these popular doctrines, and thus are perceived to be trustworthy. As a result, their authority
will rule until the end and Christ comes "in the clouds with great power and glory" to crush this religious system
masquerading in virtue (Mk.13:26; Dan.2:35).
As evidence for the opinions stated above we will contrast Christ’s commentary on Daniel 9:26 with that of Rome’s
commentary heralded as truth in virtually every Protestant church. And Rome's corruption of Daniel 9:27 is used as an
extension of v.26 and is the core of their prophetic scenario urging the belief in the future Antichrist and seven-year tribulation. Christ’s Rendering cited in Matt.24:15-20;
Lu.23:26-29 drawn from Daniel: Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks [in the 70th week (last 7 years) of
Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy] shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself [but for the sins of the
world]: and the people of the prince that shall come [Titus with his Roman army] shall destroy the city and the sanctuary
[Jerusalem and its temple in 70 A.D.]; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations
are determined [when Jerusalem was surrounded by the Roman army and all the Jews assembled there for the feast were starved
into submission. Of this deplorable event Jesus Christ warned His disciples (Matt.24:15-20; Lu.23:26-29), and not one Christian
died in the siege according to the historian Josephus who recorded the desperate measures that men took to survive].
Rome’s Rendering: Daniel 9:26
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, “and shall have nothing” (NIV): and the people of
the prince that shall come [the army sent by the future Antichrist] shall destroy the city and the sanctuary [Jerusalem and
its temple in the future when the Antichrist comes to power and makes a treaty with today’s Israel, and then comes to
destroy Israel.]; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. Daniel 9:27 And he [the coming Antichrist]
shall confirm the covenant [his treaty with today’s Israel] with many [the Jewish nation] for one week [the seven year
tribulation]: and in the midst of the week [3 1⁄2 years into the seven year tribulation] he [the coming Antichrist]
shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease [bring an end of the sacrificial system that Orthodox Judaism today is
set to reestablish], and for the overspreading of abominations he [the coming Antichrist] shall make it desolate, even until
the consummation [the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple], and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."
Rendering of Daniel 9:27
And he [Jesus Christ] shall confirm the covenant [the promise of salvation made with
the family of Adam] with many [the Jewish nation] for one week [the last seven years of the 490 year prophecy]: and in the
midst of the week [in the year 31 A.D. (just 3 1⁄2 years into His ministry)] he [Jesus Christ] shall cause the sacrifice
and the oblation to cease [only Christ could bring an end to the sacrificial system inaugurated in Genesis 3:21 and formally
expanded through the Mosaic law. At the death of Christ the rending of the temple veil by an unseen hand proved the end of
the sacrificial system (Matt.27:51)], and for the overspreading of abominations [the flood of man’’s transgressions]
he [Jesus Christ] shall make it desolate [sweeping the corrupt Jewish religion away], even until the consummation [the destruction
of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 A.D.], and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate" [the apostate Jewish
system would fall at that time].
The whole history of papal Rome centers on removing the authority of
Christ from the Earth and substituting themselves in His place. This is seen in their relationship with the Ten Commandments.
The 2nd Commandment was removed entirely. But in removing it they have removed the only time the word “mercy”
is used in GOD Holy Law. Rome has removed GOD’S “mercy:” the mercy that could only be displayed on the Cross
of Calvary.
And the 4th Commandment has been substituted with the oldest tradition of pagan idolatry: Sunday sacredness. But in
doing so, Rome has removed the authority of Christ as Creator. Over 800 verses of Scripture declare Christ as Creator and
the “Everlasting Father” of all (Isa.9:6). They have removed Christ from the 4th Commandment and have substituted
the pope in His place. In closing,
with the noble and worthy charity and genuine care for their fellow man, innocent Catholics are living up to the light they
have received as led by the Holy Spirit. But behind the scenes of this innocently deceived group of Christians it is seen
that they are merely a “front” for the Jesuit priests who are as luciferian as any Satan worshipper. Their history
is the most despicable of any religious sect throughout history. Many Bishops and Cardinals know full well of the Jesuit agenda
under the "superior general" known as “the black pope.” In this knowledge they stand complicit in the
deceptions that are carried out to advance the cause of popery. Their love of ease and comfort outweighs GOD'S command
to "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of
Jacob their sins" (Isa.58:1). Untold
numbers of Catholic priests and Protestant pastors are going to stand before Jesus in the judgment day demanding the right
to enter the "new Jerusalem." They will stand there on judgment day demanding entry due to their "good works."
But Jesus will respond, “I never knew you.” Why? It is because of their association with the apostate church perpetuating
sin: the spiritual cancer that always destroys, and never, under any conditions blesses life! The good works were merely the
means to gain the trust of the common man, and once the trust was gained, the indoctrination of sin and false doctrine begins. Whatever church denomination one chooses to
be baptized in, this is their public declaration of agreement with the doctrines of that church. So we are called to have
a full understanding of those doctrines, and measure their obedience to the Ten Commandments and their alignment with safe-Scripture
guidelines. Men, both in and out of
the church have shown little regard for the LORD’S warning: “all liars, shall have their part in the lake which
burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Rev.21:8. The cry to know truth, “as the truth is
in Jesus,” was not their tearful prayer. The wisdom to share Christ: “the way, the truth, and the life,”
to bring the souls of men, women and children to “the kingdom of heaven” was not their sole purpose, but rather
to serve the church and its doctrines that stand condemned of heaven. “They received not the love of the truth that
they might be saved.” II Thess.2:10.
As the Jews and Romans stood united in the crucifixion of the LORD Jesus Christ, so the Jews and Romans stand united
today to murder Jesus Christ in the person of His saints. “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be.”