
films have been made based on the future desolation of man on the Earth. The Mayan calendar’s closing date of December
21, 2012 being the latest and most extensive destruction ever displayed on film. There is a common
denominator between all these films that needs to be addressed. Outside of their unity for predicting destruction on a worldwide
scale and how a single hero comes along to save the day, they always and without exception place the religions of men outside
of the decisions that are made in dealing with these themes of destruction. This is the great hoax perpetrated against the
reality of what we see today in the decisions of men. Even in wartime the old slogan has never lost its grip when the life
stands in jeopardy: “There are no atheists in foxholes.” Nevertheless, secular man’s disdain for anything
to do with GOD has so permeated our society through television and film so as to disallow any influence from Christians, Muslims,
Buddhists, or Hindus in the decisions that are made for the continuation of man’s daily activities. Enter: REALITY! The reality of life in our world and
the engine that drives its daily activities is religion. In fact every decision, every legislation, and every moral judgment
has its authority in the ruling religions of the Earth to overrule every atheistic notion, however real atheism’s dominance
may appear on television and film. Between Roman Catholicism and Talmudic Jewry they together influence the trends of world
affairs. And it is this union and its strong arm in the lives of Muslim nations that accounts for much of the antagonism between
American interests and those of other nations. An example is seen in Pakistan where Muslims work on Islam’s holy day
of Friday, but they do not work on Sunday, Rome’s holy day. And when asked why, they respond: “To maintain financial
stability.” Every judgment
to come from the United States Supreme Court comes from religious men and women. All of America’s legislation is drawn
up by lawyers associated in the Roman Catholic colleges of Georgetown University, George Washington University and American
University. Each is headed up by the Jesuit Order of Rome. But with all the thousands of laws passed in Congress every year,
and the language of law that is more a riddle than a plain absolute, fundamental injustices remain and never change year after
year. This is why reformation to so many of our problems and life’s threats in general never get addressed. These are
people who are only interested in solving symptoms, never the root cause of the ever increasing threats, not only against
the common man, but against life itself.
The Bible gives much insight on the future of man as a result of man’s dereliction of duty as stewards over life.
As a result of the arrogant views of men in opposition to GOD'S command, "love thy neighbor as thyself," the
closing scenes of earth's history are to be inaugurated by an event: an event forecasting annihilation of the human race.
Christ gave several prophecies on this final phase of earth's history. Among them includes these words, "Fearful
sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." Jesus said that there would be, as a result of these fearful sights,
"men's hearts failing them for fear of what is coming upon the earth." What is to come? Let the world’s
wisest man, King Solomon, choose the direction of our research. As a wise old man he wrote, "The thing that hath been
it is that which shall be." The history of our past is the prophecy of our future. What does Scripture teach about fearful
sights and great signs from heaven? In the book of Job, it is written that Satan caused fire to fall from the sky and burn
to death both people and animals (Job 1:6). The Bible teaches that Satan is about to do it again, but on a much grander scale
(Revelation 13:13). This is the coming threat to man's survival that will bring the final competition between men over
who will rule the world. Remember
the old proverb, "There are no atheists in fox holes." Religion will become the object of adoration at this time;
and the world's most influential and wealthiest religion is Christianity. Therefore, it is today's Christian leaders
who will be given the throne of human government. Men like the pope, Pat Robertson, Rod Parsley, among others will be handed
the authority to influence laws in an attempt to preserve the human race. But the history of the church bears a record of
unfaithfulness to GOD. Papal Rome and Protestant America to this day have proven themselves unfit to govern themselves let
alone anyone else. Their ill procedures of handling corruption are well known: everything from the Catholic bishops and cardinals
covering up the sodomy of little boys to world famous Protestant evangelists swindling little old ladies out of their homes:
ladies who came to these men for healing from their afflictions. The healing never came but they still lost their homes. These
dear but ignorant people entrusted their lives to their religious leaders for guidance and truth just as the Jewish people
trusted their leaders in the days of Christ. Their trust was betrayed. False assurances built the cathedrals of old and the
crystal cathedrals of America. The betrayal of truth has always led to building monuments that have no right to exist; for
they are founded on the sand of self-exaltation, not the rock of truth, as it is "in Christ."
Protestant America, whose constitutional law uplifts liberty
of conscience, is gradually accepting tyrannical principles that will lead America to become the most religiously intolerant
nation among men. This is simply based on their views of the character of GOD and their selfish maligning of GOD'S Ten
Commandment Law. The coming threat forecasting annihilation of the human race will lead to a horrific system of religious
tyranny that the world has yet to face. This tyranny will become so severe that our religious leaders will command the civil
authorities to impose the death sentence on all who refuse subservience to the legislated decree of the church, which, at
its very foundation, defies the Ten Commandment Law, as it is prophesied: "And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand [by carrying out through their actions the law allowing
religious persecution] or in their foreheads [through their intellectual acceptance of the religious tyranny]: And that no
man may buy or sell [provide life support for family or friends], save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name." "And whosoever would not worship…should be killed." This is the clear prophecy
of America’s future uniting religion with government. This future demands our preparation to properly identify logically,
ethically, historically and Biblically “the mark,” “the name of the beast,” and “the number
of his name.” When deplorable
men are handed the throne of human government the so-called “heretics” will be forbidden to buy food for their
children; medical care for their elderly loved ones: they will have their homes and their properties confiscated, bank assets
seized, and they will be forced to suffer hunger and privation (Rev.13:15-17). All of this has happened before, on more than
one occasion. Remember, “The thing that hath been it is that which shall be.” The edict of the Roman emperor,
Justinian, in the 6th century (the same dictator that gave the decree allowing the pope to persecute heresy through civil
authority) illustrates what is to come. The Catholic historian, Bower, gives a review of this history:
"By an edict which he [Justinian] issued to unite all men in one faith, whether Jews, Gentiles,
or Christians, such as did not, in the term of three months, embrace and profess the Catholic faith, were declared infamous,
and, as such, excluded from all employments both civil and military, rendered incapable of leaving anything by will, and their
estates confiscated, whether real or personal. These were convincing arguments of the truth [?] of the Catholic faith; but
many, however, withstood them, and against such as did, the imperial edict was executed with utmost rigor. Great numbers were
driven from their habitations with their wives and children, stripped and naked. Others betook themselves to flight, carrying
with them what they could conceal, for their support and maintenance; but they were plundered of the little they had, and
many of them inhumanely massacred by the Catholic peasants, or the soldiery, who guarded the passes."—Bower, The
History of the Popes, Vol. 1, p. 334. This
history will be repeated here in America: "The thing that hath been it is that which shall be; and that which is done
is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun."—Solomon.
There is a lesson of the past that perfectly illustrates the extremes men are willing to go when the frantic lust for
survival assumes the power of a government’s determination. When the Conquistadors of Spain came to the Aztec people
of Mexico they witnessed the most barbaric slaughter of human life. It is recorded that within one year, the Aztecs sacrificed
250,000 lives to appease an angry GOD. In a single ceremony alone over 80,000 lives were slaughtered on their altar. With
such numbers of human life extinguished the blood flowing down the steps of their temple coagulated into a huge mound at its
base. Graphic details were recorded on what the people endured. When asked why the priests sacrificed so many from among their
people, the response of the priests was given, "To prevent the end of the world."
Our religious leaders today will choose this same theology as the end draws near, partly because of their belief that
GOD will not allow this world to follow its natural course to utter destruction, and partly because they believe Jesus Christ
comes to establish a kingdom in Jerusalem for a thousand years. In this they refuse to hear the simple words of Christ: "My
kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight…but My kingdom is not from
hence." And yet, the leaders of Christianity keep fighting to build the kingdom of this world, a world Christ said that
He would have no association with. Instead, He gave a strict command to take to the world the message of GOD'S coming
kingdom founded on utopian government: the Ten Commandments, and how His kingdom will be restored to the dominion of earth.
This everlasting kingdom, fulfilling GOD’S intended design can only be inaugurated after GOD destroys every trace of
earth’s sinful existence through nature’s arsenal of molten rock. This is the hellfire spoken of in the Bible.
It’s called “the lake of fire.” The Bible teaches that once the heritage of sin is disintegrated “to
ashes upon the earth” the fire then goes out. At that moment Christ will then say, “Behold, I make all things
new.” The earth will then be recreated, restoring it to its pristine beginning before sin entered our world. Remember
the fate of Satan according to the Words of GOD Himself: “I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth…and never
shalt thou be anymore.”—Ezekiel 28. GOD declares the same fate awaits all who maintain a life of sin: “The
wicked shall be ashes.” “They shall be as though they had never been.” Malachi 4; Obadiah 16. As the seed must die in order to grow and bear
fruit, so this world must perish that another may be born. The Bible repeatedly affirms the end of this present world. Wrote
the prophets: "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression
thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again” [in its present sinful state]. "For, behold,
the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day
that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." This is the
fate of our present world; and all the sacrificing of human life will not prevent that which GOD has said must come to pass.
But Jesus Christ gave us a promise:
"Behold, I make all things new." "For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before
me saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain; and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and
from one [seventh-day] Sabbath to another [not the first-day, Sunday, as is being enforced today] shall all flesh come to
worship before Me saith the LORD." The seventh-day Sabbath of the 4th Commandment is the seal of the Christian’s
faith, resting in GOD’S creative and redeeming power. The 4th Commandment is as eternal as is every law of GOD. “Let
no man deceive you.”—Paul. “Let no man take thy crown.”—Jesus.
There are wonderful prophecies GOD has given describing something of the new earth; where "the wolf...shall dwell
with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and
a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion
shall eat straw like the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand
on the adder's den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge
of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." This is the true future of man, and all are given opportunity to learn and
to follow the government that fits them for this perfect destiny ordained of GOD. This destiny alone meets every cry of the
human heart for justice, mercy and love.
The Bible’s many prophecies of the future, forecasting both the end of fallen angels and sinful men as well as
the eternal wonders of the new earth, all are perfectly logical, and the evidence is overwhelming both scientifically and
morally. This is the great blessing of Bible prophecy: that you know what is to come before it comes, that none be caught
off guard; and preparations can be made, morally, mentally and physically as Paul said, "But ye brethren, are not in
darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief."
After all is said and done, Christ will come. And when He shall sit on the throne of Earth and oversee the progress
of His children things will be quite different than they are today. At the heart of it all, every relationship, every endeavor,
and every dream will be held captive to the Joy of Jesus Christ. For through Him and Him alone lies the fulfillment of every
cry of the human heart for justice, mercy and love.