This parable of Jesus Christ describes the rich man, “in hell,”
“being in torments,” crying to “Abraham” to send the beggar, “Lazarus” who “was
carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom” to warn his “five brethren,” “lest they also come
in to this place of torment.” And Abraham’s response (which is the whole point of the parable), “If they
hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead.”
This was a well-known story in Christ’s day. It was called “The Fable of Tantalum.” (See The Life
and Times of Jesus the Messiah, by Alfred Eddersheim, single volume edition, pg. 669). In the original story, as was taught
by the rabbis, the rich man was the one in heaven, and the poverty and ill ridden Lazarus was the one in fiery torments. In
Christ’s day, the religious leaders taught that the rich were the ones blessed of GOD and therefore had a guaranteed
entrance into heaven; while the poor and sickly were in their condition due to GOD’S curse resting on them and were
therefore condemned to eternal damnation. This theology made the rabbis very rich, for their flattery of wealthy men filled
their coffers (Ps.12:2,3). But Jesus reversed the roles in this story
by placing Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom and the rich man in torments, thereby exposing the popular doctrine as false.
This is affirmed in Luke 18:24-26, when He said, “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!
For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. And they
that heard it said, Who then can be saved?”—In other words, if the rich were most likely lost what of those without
the blessings of good health and financial prosperity? The church today
has trampled Christ’s one intended lesson in His parable (ver.26) and replaced it with a doctrine that assaults not
only the love born of heaven but promotes the “doctrines of devils” that the apostle Paul warned would enter the
church (I Tim.4:1). With the exception of its moral (ver.26), every aspect of the modern Christian view of this parable contradicts
Christ’s plain and simple words (Matt.10:28). What other verses of Scripture are used to support the Church’s
claim that eternal torment in hellfire exists? Matthew 5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and
cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should
be cast into hell. This is another verse used to bolster the belief in
eternal hellfire. The Greek word for “hell” in this verse and others is the word gehenna, which was the trash
heap outside of Jerusalem. A perpetual fire was kept to maintain a limit on the buildup of garbage. The fire burned the refuse
to ashes, thereby preventing the garbage from overrunning its appointed boundaries. And the lesson of gehenna as with other
illustrations Christ used to describe the fate of “the wicked” is very simple and ethical: GOD’S use of
fire in Scripture is always for purifying and cleansing, never for the use of torture or physical pain as the church ascribes.
There are examples where fire was used to destroy people: 1. When GOD ended the lives of eternally
unrepentant men and women (Gen.19:24-29; Lev.10:1,2; Nu.11:1; II Ki.1:9-12; Ju.7). 2. When Satan caused fire to fall
from the sky and burn alive innocent men and animals (Job 1:16). It is
important to know GOD’S use of fire vs. Satan’s because Revelation 13:13 warns us that Satan will cause fire to
fall again, but this time on a more grand scale. Thus, Satan will provoke the sin-evangelizing church to take desperate measures
to ‘appease an angry god’ (as every pagan religion in history has ever done). Therefore, the remedy our church
leaders will impose to preserve mankind will be to legislate the great sin of Rome into federal law: the law of the sun-god,
not the Law of the Son of GOD (Jn.8:58). This in turn will drive GOD’S protection even further away, as “the LORD”
warned long ago, “Woe also to them when I depart from them.” Hos.9:12. And when GOD leaves, Satan is given a free
hand; and his will is never for the benefit of man. Again, to settle this
issue of “hell,” the clarity of the truth, wisdom, and love of Jesus Christ should be acknowledged: “As
therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.” “And fear not
them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body
in hell.” “But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” Matt.13:40; 10:28; 19:17. To sum up: blind-to-tradition theologians have taken the words of Scripture, "perish,"
"death," "die," "destroy," "devour," "consume," and given them a mystical
meaning beyond any dictionary’s definition, and followed Satan’s deceiving miracles to disqualify the many verses
of Scripture that teach the truth on this matter (Isa.5:20). This has always been and will always be the method of “MYSTERY,
of Rome would be exalted to rule the world, and tyranny would be his weapon to accomplish his selfish aims to lead the whole
world to stand condemned with him in his sins, just as Satan deceives the world to stand condemned with him in his sins (Dan.7:1-8,25;
Matt.24:4,5; Rev.13). But Christ will come, and every false religion will be “broken to pieces together…like
the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them.” Dan.2:35. Ministers stand naked in their ignorance of how Jesus bore the same punishment
the most wicked man will face. They stand naked in their ignorance of how Jesus conquered the dominion of death. They stand
naked in their ignorance of the Law that justifies the righteous to eternal life but condemns the unrepentant. They stand
naked in their ignorance of GOD’S ordained method to destroy Satan, and unrepentant men. And they stand naked in their
hatred of those who expose their corrupt hearts, calling them to repent and be saved for Christ’s sake. As the priests
of Christ’s day stirred up the people against Him and His Apostles, so today’s priests will do likewise and use
every means to block the Light from the Cross of Calvary to those “which do hunger and thirst after righteousness”
(Matt.5:6). The truth of GOD'S Love will soon lighten the Earth. Soon,
GOD’S desire will shine forth to every man, to lavish His forgiveness and receive the sinner’s repentance. It
is only by men’s determination to attribute their own cruelty to that of GOD that will lead to their destruction, as
“the LORD” said, “Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee.”

Keepers invites every Christian to join the closing work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and establish twelve member groups
within your respective country, heralding the titles: Commandment Keepers Kenyan Assembly, British Assemby,
Brazilian Assembly, etc. As the Bible teaches, the redeemed of earth will come from "every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people." Rev.14:6. And all will have stood faithful to Christ's Words, "But if thou wilt
enter into life, keep the commandments." Matt.19:17. To meet the specific cultural
needs of the different peoples of the world, a custom tailored witness is vital for successful evangelism. While the
message of Salvation through the Creator/Christ is universal in its scope, people's cultural affections vary greatly from
land to land. What can bring tears of joy to one group can actually harden the hearts of another.
To receive this ministry outline click "The Evangelists" below. It contains all the materials needed to succeed
in this invaluable type of ministry. Two reasons for the need of small church
companies at this time in history: 1. There are six branch ministries, which cover all areas of the closing gospel
work, providing each member with an invaluable task. Teamed up in pairs for each of the branch ministries, none
will sit on the sidelines, feeling useless, and where each have equal value to the success of the ministry's
work. 2. Economic streamlining has become an essential factor in the closing work. As America
and other countries proceed in their place in Bible prophecy a structure of ministry must be in place to carry out
the Savior's closing work on the minds and hearts of the people just at the time it is needed the most. This efficient, low cost approach to the closing work will be lavished with
GOD'S blessing. Each of these small church companies will be given an eloquent, persuasive testimony
by GOD: to share in the most privileged work on Earth: enlightening the world with His Glory: His redeeming love found in
the truth, as the truth is in Jesus:" as Creator of heaven and earth; what He has done: as
bearing the punishment for the sins of men; and what He is doing: interceding on behalf of His faithful children who are continuously
accused of the devil; and what He will do: deliver His faithful children when He comes again.
Through His Presence, Guidance and Intervention, the faith of Bible literate and obedient Christians will swell
to a lofty summit, preparing them for the coming of the LORD. Lastly,
no tithe is required except to budget your ministry's needs.
Liberty Seminars: Bible Prophecy: Your Key To The Future
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Commandment Keepers 2116 Linden Highway Hohenwald, TN 38462