Genghis Khan united many of the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. He started
the Mongol invasions that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia. These campaigns, lasting twenty years, in the early
1200s (13th century), were often accompanied by wholesale massacres of the civilian populations. By the end of his life, the
Mongol Empire occupied a large portion of Central Asia and China. Before
the death of Genghis Khan, he assigned his son, Ogedei Khan as his successor. His descendants went on to stretch the Mongol
Empire across most of Eurasia by conquering or creating vassal states out of all of modern-day China, Korea, the Caucasus,
Central Asian countries, and substantial portions of modern Eastern Europe, Russia and the Middle East.
The Mongol Empire under Ogedei Khan came knocking on the
door of Roman Catholic Europe. It was the terrible wars waged by him, which brought fear to the nations of Europe, and the
threat of subjection to the Mongols. When the sword of destruction hung over Germany, Italy, France and England, the pope
sent emissaries to placate his wrath. Ogedei Khan viewed Catholicism as intolerable. But then, Ogedei Khan died. The princes were recalled from the war to elect
a new khan. During this time the queen (who was a Christian) urged that her favorite son, Guyuk become the new khan. It was
agreed, and Guyuk Khan began his reign. Guyuk was a true Christian. The historians, Hue, and Mingana relate that under his
rule the prestige of faithful Christians was very high in his realm, and they were quite numerous in his dominion. His realm
was full of church leaders, clergy, and scholars. And that a certain Christian, by the name of Kaddak, was his grand seer. Under Guyuk, the massacres and devastations,
which had characterized his father and grandfather came to an immediate end. Roman Catholic Europe was spared Mongolian rule
because of a faithful Christian: a Christian the pope of Rome would have burned at the stake if given the opportunity! This
fact must never be forgotten. The
lessons of history are the textbook outlining the deplorable nature of the apostate church that Revelation, chapter 13 encapsulates.
The tyrannical objectives of leading churchmen haven’t changed: only the methods to achieve their goal. Once they were
bold and open in their cruelty. Now, they hide behind closed doors. And today, we are on the precipice of a “revival”
of the old spirit, called, “the image of the beast,” whose character is the antithesis of our LORD, Saviour, and
KING: Jesus Christ!

Keepers invites every Christian to join the closing work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and establish twelve member groups
within your respective country, heralding the titles: Commandment Keepers Kenyan Assembly, British Assemby,
Brazilian Assembly, etc. As the Bible teaches, the redeemed of earth will come from "every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people." Rev.14:6. And all will have stood faithful to Christ's Words, "But if thou wilt
enter into life, keep the commandments." Matt.19:17. To meet the specific cultural
needs of the different peoples of the world, a custom tailored witness is vital for successful evangelism. While the
message of Salvation through the Creator/Christ is universal in its scope, people's cultural affections vary greatly from
land to land. What can bring tears of joy to one group can actually harden the hearts of another.
To receive this ministry outline click "The Evangelists" below. It contains all the materials needed to succeed
in this invaluable type of ministry. Two reasons for the need of small church
companies at this time in history: 1. There are six branch ministries, which cover all areas of the closing gospel
work, providing each member with an invaluable task. Teamed up in pairs for each of the branch ministries, none
will sit on the sidelines, feeling useless, and where each have equal value to the success of the ministry's
work. 2. Economic streamlining has become an essential factor in the closing work. As America
and other countries proceed in their place in Bible prophecy a structure of ministry must be in place to carry out
the Savior's closing work on the minds and hearts of the people just at the time it is needed the most. This efficient, low cost approach to the closing work will be lavished with
GOD'S blessing. Each of these small church companies will be given an eloquent, persuasive testimony
by GOD: to share in the most privileged work on Earth: enlightening the world with His Glory: His redeeming love found in
the truth, as the truth is in Jesus:" as Creator of heaven and earth; what He has done: as
bearing the punishment for the sins of men; and what He is doing: interceding on behalf of His faithful children who are continuously
accused of the devil; and what He will do: deliver His faithful children when He comes again.
Through His Presence, Guidance and Intervention, the faith of Bible literate and obedient Christians will swell
to a lofty summit, preparing them for the coming of the LORD. Lastly,
no tithe is required except to budget your ministry's needs.
Liberty Seminars: Bible Prophecy: Your Key To The Future
Our Home Church Welcomes All
Author's Faith Biography
Core Beliefs
Commandment Keepers 2116 Linden Highway Hohenwald, TN 38462