“Never man spake like this man.” Jn.7:46 Just how did Jesus speak? What was His tone of voice,
His phrasing of words, His expression of face? How we read the Scriptures determines how we view the character of GOD and
Jesus Christ whom He has sent. This applies to how we accept a minister’s rendering of the Sacred Word as well. I know
men who are afraid to read the Bible because they view GOD’S voice in Scripture as being harsh and unforgiving. While
others take great delight to read their Bibles but have a pompous, self-righteous spirit as they read. It is a range from
being too shy to being overbearing. But as with the old story of Goldilocks And The Three Bears, we need to find the one that
is “just right.” The Bible passages where Jesus is speaking
are far too often given a tone that stands “outside the gate” of the foundational character of GOD. “God
is love;” and He is nothing else; therefore, everything He does is an expression of His love. A grave misunderstanding
exists with many in the church. In the great controversy between Christ and Satan, GOD is limited to intervene in so many
of life’s afflictions. This is because when Satan took the dominion of this world he was given authority over this world,
and the Bible decrees that he is the author of all suffering, war, disease and death. And it is the purpose of Jesus Christ
to remove that authority and restore it to where it stood “In the beginning” when all was tranquil and all together
lovely. Let us look at a few verses from the Bible to establish the foundation
by which we can safely measure a man’s reverence to GOD. “Thou hast also given me the shield of thy
salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.” Ps.18:35—GOD is gentle. “How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy
wings.” Ps.36:7.—GOD has lovingkindness. “But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.” Ps.86:15.—GOD has every attribute of a loving and devoted father. “A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.”
Matt.12:20.—GOD never antagonizes, or discourages, and He has gained the victory on the behalf of His children’s
eternal future. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither
sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Rev.21:4.—GOD
will remedy every aspect of life’s burdens that we bear in this world. With
these qualities, when we read in Genesis, “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?”
(Gen.3:9) we hear a tone of voice not of condemnation but one of compassion and care. When we read the words of the LORD to
Job (chapter 38) after his incredible struggle with the devil’s afflictions of destroying his livelihood, his family,
plus giving him boils from head to foot, and then sending three false accusers pretending to be his friends, only to torment
his soul, we see GOD’S words not as a loveless reproof but words of majesty and sovereign authority mingled with pathos,
compassion and care. But among the clearest displays of heaven’s
love toward man is found in the life of Peter at the time when he had promised to Jesus with absolute confidence that he would
not abandon Him no matter what obstacles stood in his way, as he said: “LORD, I am ready to go with thee, both to prison,
and to death.” “Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.” Lu.22:33;
Matt.26:35. Peter believed this to be true about himself. But Peter did not understand the flaws of his character, nor the
power of sin over his beliefs in life. And this assurance he extended to his LORD was merely a rope of sand, because Peter
did abandon Jesus in the time of His betrayal, torture, and crucifixion as Christ gave prophecy. Peter's faith in Jesus
was not fortified to meet the test and he dishonored the very One he promised to honor by publicly denying Jesus as his LORD
three times, even with profanity. But Jesus prayed for Peter, that his
faith would not be swept away and his eternal ruin result from that failure. The Father in heaven answered the prayer of Jesus
for Peter at the very moment Peter denied for the third time his "Master" (at the place where Jesus was being held
prisoner after His arrest). In the book of Luke, chapter 21, we read, "And the LORD turned and looked upon Peter."
At the very moment of Peter's third denial of Christ he turned and saw Jesus beholding him. Peter focused on the face
of his Master. When Peter saw that look in His eyes, the tender expression of His face, that quiet, merciful countenance showing
to Peter the holy depths of unreserved love and forgiveness the Bible says, "And Peter went out and wept bitterly."
The look that Jesus gave to His beloved disciple was not that of condemnation, anger, or frustration, but one of immeasurable
compassion. Peter’s denial had brought him to the place where he
was most vulnerable to his own destruction; for the waves of guilt were about to flood the soul of Peter in which suicide
would seem the only remedy. But Christ would never betray Peter's vulnerability just as it was written of the Christ of
GOD centuries before His coming: "A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring
forth justice and truth." The sweet expression on Christ’s face melted Peter’s heart, and he left and wept
in repentance over his inability to stand shoulder to shoulder with the one he dearly loved. Christ's love covered Peter’s
guilt, nakedness, and shame. This moment of deliverance was to reign over Peter’s character until the day he died. Peter
now understood true love because he had seen the true glory of the LORD, and His glory is love.
As an adoring follower of Christ and His Word I pay careful attention to the minister’s tone of voice. The manner
in which he speaks the Words of Jesus Christ measures his reverence for GOD. I regret to say that nearly every voice from
the pulpit as they read the words of Jesus have a level of irreverence and/or abrasive quality that is disheartening to the
Gospel. “To walk, even as He walked” includes our manner of speech; and should Christ have followed their example
of vocal quality during His ministry, He would have failed to reach the hearts of men. There are too many examples where Jesus
sat with sinners and they felt safe with Him. He didn’t need to reprove them. They knew they were in the presence of
LOVE. All who are sensitive to heaven’s love toward man will work redemptively in every situation and not step outside
of that boundary because by doing so they threaten the souls of those they minister to.
More often than I care to remember I have heard the Holy Word of GOD read from the pulpit reflecting a tone of voice
unbefitting Christ. The Holy Scripture’s call of the “still, small voice,” whose tender entreaty, “Follow
me,” was overruled and replaced with a pompous and even threatening character: the character of popery, not of Christ.
This is an offense to holy angels and the LORD Jesus Christ. The Word that spoke all into existence, the Voice that said,
“thou art mine” deserves a tone of reverence that should make us tremble and weep with joy and love for the GOD
Who has redeemed us by His blood. Truly, “The word of God is...a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
The saddest part of these ministers bearing false witness against the Love in GOD’S Voice is the fact that the words
they speak following the reading of the Sacred Scriptures are typically given a greater pathos than that given to the Word
of GOD, creating the illusion that their own words are of more value than GOD’S Holy Word—that their love is superior
to the love of Christ displayed in the Word of GOD. This is the spirit of self- supremacy that is conveyed, however innocent
the intentions may be. Long ago, the LORD warned against this and all
ungodliness that is associated with it: “These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was
altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.” Ps.50:21.
Keepers invites every Christian to join the closing work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and establish twelve member groups
within your respective country, heralding the titles: Commandment Keepers Kenyan Assembly, British Assemby,
Brazilian Assembly, etc. As the Bible teaches, the redeemed of earth will come from "every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people." Rev.14:6. And all will have stood faithful to Christ's Words, "But if thou wilt
enter into life, keep the commandments." Matt.19:17. To meet the specific cultural
needs of the different peoples of the world, a custom tailored witness is vital for successful evangelism. While the
message of Salvation through the Creator/Christ is universal in its scope, people's cultural affections vary greatly from
land to land. What can bring tears of joy to one group can actually harden the hearts of another.
To receive this ministry outline click "The Evangelists" below. It contains all the materials needed to succeed
in this invaluable type of ministry. Two reasons for the need of small church
companies at this time in history: 1. There are six branch ministries, which cover all areas of the closing gospel
work, providing each member with an invaluable task. Teamed up in pairs for each of the branch ministries, none
will sit on the sidelines, feeling useless, and where each have equal value to the success of the ministry's
work. 2. Economic streamlining has become an essential factor in the closing work. As America
and other countries proceed in their place in Bible prophecy a structure of ministry must be in place to carry out
the Savior's closing work on the minds and hearts of the people just at the time it is needed the most. This efficient, low cost approach to the closing work will be lavished with
GOD'S blessing. Each of these small church companies will be given an eloquent, persuasive testimony
by GOD: to share in the most privileged work on Earth: enlightening the world with His Glory: His redeeming love found in
the truth, as the truth is in Jesus:" as Creator of heaven and earth; what He has done: as
bearing the punishment for the sins of men; and what He is doing: interceding on behalf of His faithful children who are continuously
accused of the devil; and what He will do: deliver His faithful children when He comes again.
Through His Presence, Guidance and Intervention, the faith of Bible literate and obedient Christians will swell
to a lofty summit, preparing them for the coming of the LORD. Lastly,
no tithe is required except to budget your ministry's needs.
Liberty Seminars: Bible Prophecy: Your Key To The Future
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Commandment Keepers 2116 Linden Highway Hohenwald, TN 38462