
"ANOINT THINE EYES WITH EYESALVE, THAT THOU MAYEST SEE” REV.3:18 Memory Text: We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that
ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star
arise in your hearts. II Pet.1:19. Let
us expand on our previous study on the “seventy weeks” prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27. As the Talmudic Jew despises
this prophecy, so Christians have slandered it’s intended lesson which is to uplift “Christ and Him crucified.”
To the Christian, having spiritual discernment is critical, especially in these closing days of Earth’s present history
because history teaches the hard lesson of how holding to false expectations has destroyed nations. And history is littered
with false prophets, even to the ratio of 850 false prophets to one righteous prophet, Elijah (I Ki.18:19). Therefore, to
have any incorrect views of Bible prophecy will lead to an undesired end.
Those who are blessed to live to see the Saviour come are warned to “take heed” and “be not deceived”
regarding the knowledge of events leading to Christ’s 2nd Advent. This is because the last campaign to impose sin over
the life of every man is the cause for these last events. Decisions we make to learn the boundaries of salvation should never
be lightly esteemed as Paul admonished, “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only,
but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Phil.2:12. Jesus reinforces the
importance of these words: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matt.24;24. This is how close the lies
will come to resembling truth. Therefore, Jesus would have us prepared and not caught off guard as the closing events unfold,
“for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev.19:10).
The majority of prophecy gurus today have one thing in common: they all march in step to the leading of churchmen who
have established every popular view in Bible prophecy. We need to understand the origins of today’s views and the destination
to which they are leading. Before we continue let us briefly examine what we in the Christian church are being told by today’s
prophecy gurus is to take place in the near future: 1. Jesus comes to establish
a millennial reign in Jerusalem. 2. Prior to this time the Middle East, specifically
Israel, will face the battle of Armageddon. 3. The nations of Russia and China’s
two hundred million man army will invade the Middle East. 4. The “seven year
tribulation” will take place with a secret “pre-trib rapture” of Christ removing His saints before this
final holocaust. 5. The “future Antichrist” comes on the scene who
will make a treaty with Israel to restore the ancient sacrificial system of the law of Moses, and three and a half years into
the seven year tribulation this future Antichrist will halt the sacrificial system.
What I share with you now is not a conspiracy theory but a historical fact. It is the means of fulfilling the prophecy
that says, "All the world wondered after the beast… And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose
names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Rev.13:3,8. The heart
of what we’re discussing here deals with sin and the church’s relationship with GOD’S Ten Commandment Law:
the Law that Christ gave to Moses on Mount Sinai (Jn.8:58) and obeyed unto His death on the Cross to redeem the human race
from sin and death. And what we will confirm is that if Jesus lived under today’s dominant religions (or atheism) He
would have failed in His mission to save us: He would have failed to live without sin. This is due to the world’s leading
religions promoting sin within their doctrines. And therefore, He would be renounced today as He was in Judea. Make no mistake:
the churches are no more ready for Christ today than the Jews were when He walked among men.
At the heart of today’s beliefs is the near universal expectation of a “future Antichrist.” Where
did this future Antichrist come from? Every scholar of the Reformation: Wycliffe, Huss, Luther, Tyndale, Wesley, Knox, Calvin,
Zwingli, Tausen, and Petri, and many others unanimously declared the pope of Rome as “the great Antichrist of Bible
prophecy.” They exposed the Vatican’s sins against Jesus Christ, pointing to the pope of Rome as "the beast,"
"that man of sin," "the son of Perdition," "that Wicked," with "his number… six
hundred threescore and six" (or 666), because his title: “Vicarius felii Dei” adds up to 666 in Hebrew, Greek
and Latin. The cruelty of those days is little thought of today. All of the reminders: “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs”
and numerous volumes of other testimonies are ignored today as if they never took place; and that cruel spirit is thought
to have disappeared from the church. This
theology of placing the future Antichrist at the end of the age first appeared back in the year 1575, being conceived by the
Jesuit, Francisco Ribera. He invented this "Future Antichrist”/”Seven-year Tribulation" doctrine to
counter the Reformers unanimous view that the pope of Rome is the great Antichrist of Bible prophecy. Only one verse was chosen
to build this counter-reformation theology. The Jesuits corrupted one sacred text; but this wasn’t just any text. This
text is among the pinnacle verses of the entire Gospel message, and the Roman Catholic Church has publicly raped it in front
of the whole world: Daniel 9:27: the one and only prophecy telling the whole world THROUGH SIMPLE ARITHMETIC (that a child
can understand) the exact year Jesus Christ would die for the sins of the world. On Rome’s theological foundation of
sand lies ALL of today’s popular views of Bible Prophecy. The most recent flood of publicity given to this future Antichrist/seven-year
tribulation doctrine is through the Left Behind series by authors LaHaye and Jenkins. Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey, Perry Stone
and a host of others have promoted this Jesuit theology as being Bible obedient. They have taken this most precious verse
of Scripture and have assigned it to their fabricated Antichrist of the future; and yet, this passage called The “Seventy
weeks” Prophecy centers on the coming of Jesus Christ: the focus is on Him, not Antichrist. Antichrist has no part in
this prophecy, only Titus of Rome’s destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. that Jesus referred to (Dan.9:26; Mk.13:14;
Lu.21:23). The great Antichrist of Bible prophecy has his own verses allotted to him in Scripture, and there are plenty, but
the “Seventy weeks” Prophecy belongs to Jesus Christ and Him alone. It is the one prophecy proving to the world
that Jesus Christ is who He said He is: declaring the precise years in world history our Creator/Christ would begin His public
ministry and the exact year (31 A.D.) He would lay down His life for His children as it is written: “And he [Jesus Christ]
shall confirm the covenant [the promise of salvation made with the family of Adam] with many [the Jewish nation] for one week
[the last seven years of the 490 year prophecy]: and in the midst of the week [in the year 31 A.D. (just 3 1⁄2 years
into His ministry)] he [Jesus Christ] shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease [only Christ could bring an end
to the sacrificial system inaugurated in Genesis 3:21 and formally expanded through the Mosaic law. At the death of Christ
the rending of the temple veil by an unseen hand proved the end of the sacrificial system (Matt.27:51)], and for the overspreading
of abominations [the flood of Judaism’s transgressions in overruling GOD’S Word] he [Jesus Christ] shall make
it desolate [sweeping the corrupt Jewish religion away], even until the consummation [the destruction of Jerusalem and its
temple in 70 A.D.], and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate” [the apostate Jewish system would fall at
that time]. Dan.9:24-27. Our religious
leaders now tell the world that Daniel 9:27 is not about Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the world but of their fabricated
future Antichrist: thus, removing the pope from any condemnation. And yet, Jesus referred to the 70th week when He began His
public ministry: “The time is fulfilled [the 69 week period (Dan.9:25)], and the kingdom of God is at hand [the 70th
week begins]: repent ye, and believe the gospel” [separate from sin and believe on the Son of GOD]. Mk.1:15. Fact: The
last 7 years of the prophecy were fulfilled in the days of Jesus Christ, not at the end of earth’s history as is being
taught today in the seven-year tribulation doctrine. Time-prophecies of Scripture are never split into two separate time periods:
they always run to the end of their appointed time.
So how did this modern espionage against the Gospel begin? To purge the world of the Protestant Reformation, the Roman
church inaugurated a new priesthood, the Jesuit Order, whose sole function to this day is to counter the work of Reformation
with a theological fairytale that removes all association of the pope with the Biblical Antichrist. It is this invention being
pawned off as Bible obedient doctrine that rules the thinking of every mainstream Protestant today because virtually every
prophecy-minded minister endorses it. The pope is now viewed as exempt from all condemnation of Scripture. In the 16th century when the Reformation began to free
the captives from papal tyranny and superstition, a man named Ignatius Loyola came to the pope with an offer that the pope
greatly delighted to hear. He said, in essence, ‘Let the Augustinians continue to provide monasteries of retreat for
contemplative minds; let the Benedictines give themselves up to the field of literary endeavor; let the Dominicans retain
their responsibility for maintaining the Inquisition; but we, the Jesuits, will capture the colleges and the universities.
We will gain control of instruction in law, medicine, science, education, and so weed out from all books of instruction, anything
injurious to your holiness. We will mould the thoughts and ideas of the youth. We will enroll ourselves as Protestant preachers
and college professors in the different Protestant faiths. Sooner or later, we will undermine the authority of the Greek New
Testament of Erasmus, and also of those Old Testament productions, which have dared to raise their heads against the Old Testament
of Jerome’s Vulgate and against tradition. And thus will we undermine the Protestant Reformation, and bring the world
back to your holiness.’ Thus
began an institution that continues with us today. During their history, there were so many inhumane atrocities carried out
against men that the Jesuits were kicked out of every country they ever entered from Europe to Asia. This unruly lot tainted
the reputation of the Catholic church to such an extent that the pope himself disbanded them.
But then came the United States of America, uplifting liberty of conscience, of which Rome to this day covertly works
to oppose as the Vatican’s highly venerated Pope Pius IX wrote in his Encyclical Letter of August 15, 1854: "The
absurd and erroneous doctrines or ravings in defense of liberty of conscience is a most pestilential error: a pest above all
others most to be dreaded in a state." This is the same pope who condemned Abraham Lincoln but gave his blessing to the
Confederate President Jefferson Davis. It was at the dawn of America’s independence that the Jesuit Order was restored
to active service by the pope. At this point in history, John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson, "Like you I fear the resurrection
of the Jesuits." Recorded in
Congress in 1913 is the Jesuit oath of induction. Here are the closing words of the Jesuit oath: "…I do further promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage
relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to extirpate and exterminate
them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither sex, age nor condition, and that I will hang, waste,
boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their
infants’ heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done
openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless
of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons whatsoever may be their condition in life, either public
or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy
Faith of the Society of Jesus."—House bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos.
S. Butler, February 15, 1913, pages 3215-16.
To illustrate how deception and murder has been tucked away—sheltered from public knowledge, in the 19th century,
a devout Christian and ex-Catholic priest, Father Charles Chiniquy, wrote a book, ‘Fifty Years In The Church of Rome.’
In this book he chronicled his interviews with America’s president, Abraham Lincoln. Many private conversations with
Abraham Lincoln were preserved by Charles Chiniquy in his book revealing Lincoln’s knowledge of Rome’s involvement
in the Civil war as well as his foreknowledge concerning his death. Recorded for you below, from page 300, are the words of
Abraham Lincoln recorded by Charles Chiniquy: "Two cankers are biting
the very entrails of the United States today: the Romish and the Mormon priests. Both are equally at work to form a people
of the most abject, ignorant and fanatical slaves, who will recognize no authority but their supreme pontiffs. Both are aiming
at the destruction of our schools, to raise themselves upon our ruins. Both shelter themselves under our grand and holy principles
of liberty of conscience, to destroy that very liberty of conscience, and bind the world under their heavy and ignominious
yoke. "The Mormon and the Jesuit priests are equally the uncompromising
enemies of our Constitution and our laws; but the more dangerous of the two is
the Jesuit—the Romish priest, for he knows better how to conceal his hatred under the mask of friendship and public
good; he is better trained to commit the most cruel and diabolical deeds for the glory of God. "Till
lately, I was in favor of the unlimited liberty of conscience as our Constitution gives it to the Roman Catholics. But now,
it seems to me that, sooner or later, the people will be forced to put a restriction to that clause towards the papists. Is
it not an act of folly to give absolute liberty of conscience to a set of men who are publicly sworn to cut our throats the
very day they have the opportunity? Is it right to give the privilege of citizenship to men who are sworn and public enemies
of our constitution, our laws, our liberties, and our lives? "The very
moment that popery assumed the right of life and death on a citizen of France, Spain, Germany, England, or the United States,
it assumed to be the power, the government of France, Spain, England, Germany, and the United States. Those States then committed
a suicidal act by allowing popery to put a foot on their territory with the privilege of citizenship. The power of life and
death is the supreme power, and two supreme powers cannot exist on the same territory without anarchy, riots, bloodshed, and
civil wars without end. When popery will give up the power of life and death, which it proclaims as its own divine power in
all its theological books and canon laws, then, and then alone, it can be tolerated and can receive the privileges of citizenship
in a free country. "Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing
which he has sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Catholic Church of Rome hate, curse, and destroy liberty
of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I
cannot give liberty of conscience to the pope and to his followers, the papists, so long as they tell me, through all their
councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my
throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the
light of common sense will make it clear to every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to
obey a pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.” The records of the court proceedings on the assassination
of Lincoln prove he was murdered by Roman Catholic conspirators, four of whom were hanged for the crime in July, 1865. John
Surrat, one of the masterminds of the plot, escaped from the Ford Theatre with the hit man, John Wilkes Booth, on the night
of April 14, 1865. John Surrat was tracked by the State Department to Canada, where he was sheltered by Catholic priests;
and from Canada to London, where he was sheltered by priests in a Catholic rectory; and from London to Rome. When finally
caught, he was found in the Pope’s private army, from whence he was brought back to the United States and hanged for
his crime. In closing, the Bible gives
a few verses that when held sacred to the heart will always protect and guide the servant of Jesus Christ. They are simple,
concise, and expose every sentiment that works to overrule the plain “Thus saith the LORD.”
1. To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because
there is no light in them. Isa.8:20. [It must pass the scrutiny the Bible gives on every doctrine.] 2.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. I Jn.2:4. [The ruling
churches to this day are guilty of this condemnation.] 3. Not every one that saith
unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matt.7:21.
[These words show that many ministers professing the Christian faith will stand condemned before Jesus in the judgment.] 4. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and
the faith of Jesus. Rev.14:12. [Jesus living out the righteousness of His Law in the hearts of His children has always been
the grand promise of the “new covenant” (Jer.31:31-34; Heb.8:8,13; 12:24).