“And if the righteous scarcely be saved [those whose names are on the church books], where shall the
ungodly and the sinner appear.” I Peter 4:18
The Christian’s litmus test using Christ’s
counsel is guaranteed: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Matt.7:16. In this, Solomon gave warning: “The
king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.” Prov.14:35. Ultimately, multitudes of professing Christians
treat the Gospel like its nothing more than elevator music: just a soothing background while they ascend the floors of life,
falsely believing their salvation is assured as they live their lives of indifference to the threat of sin and the grand calling
of GOD on every man, woman and child "to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him" Heb.7:25. And people
by the BILLIONS are perishing, dying in pride, ignorance, fear, and sin! In addition, the economic stranglehold, designed
of Satan to maintain his system of slave labor over the world’s population through his financial distribution system
(Matt.4:8,9) has forced crippling limitations on the work of Christ; thus, maintaining his power to deceive, ensnare and destroy
the multitudes that Christ came to save. To not strive for the calling that GOD Himself endorsed through the Words of Christ
is to reflect a cruel indifference to the needs of those who stand in ignorance, danger and despair (Lu.10:30-32). The LORD Jesus Christ lived out the principle
beautifully stated of Paul: "Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth." I Cor.10:24. Jesus did
not obey to make sure He got to heaven: He obeyed to make sure we got to heaven, as the LORD said in His prayer, “And
for their sakes I sanctify myself.” Jn.17:19. Our obedience to GOD through His Holy Word should likewise not be for
ourselves but for those within our reach. We are called to live holy lives, not for our salvation, but for those with whom
we share our lives with. This is the only way Satan has no avenue into the soul! Egocentric motivation is the devil’s
key to ensnare multitudes into sin! The very foundation of selfish motivation (as typically used in Christian evangelism)
is a corrupt concept and maligns the true character of GOD as demonstrated on the Cross of Calvary. Christ desires us to take
our eyes off of ourselves and fix them upon Him, as all were directed to do from the moment sin entered the Earth (Gen.3:7-19). STREAMLINING
Peter’s words shed light on the duty of every Christian: “Looking
for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God.” II Pet.3:12. The definition of the word hasting verifies that man
has a role to play when the Gospel work is done and Christ can come. Jesus Christ verifies this in His own Words: “And
this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
Matt.24:14. The end cannot come until “this gospel,”—the true gospel of the Bible is preached. A corrupt
gospel has no contribution to the closing work and therefore lends no support to the church’s claim of desiring the
2nd Advent or even salvation itself. Where faith and falsehood stand together GOD cannot empower the church to carry out the
closing work of the Gospel (Acts 19:13-17)! Let us briefly review the state of Christianity at the dawn
of the 1800’s after the pope’s civil authority was removed by Napoleon’s general, Berthier, in 1798. The
turn of the century came; and in the early 19th century the power of the Holy Ghost was seen with the rise of the American
and British Bible Societies filling the Earth with missionary stations. Following this work, evangelists, raised up by the
LORD, began to piece together the more difficult prophecies. And while some of their theological beliefs were flawed due to
“the tradition of men” the Spirit of GOD was clearly leading them, desiring to shed more light on their path.
The church was swelling to a lofty summit. And, step-by-step the LORD was opening up new venues of understanding and outreach
in fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy, that at “the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall
be increased.” Dan.12:4. Despite
the increase of knowledge in Scripture, as was prophesied to come, the zeal slowly waned, and by the 20th Century the fire
of the Spirit that ignited the great movements of the 19th Century was quenched through Christ's entrusted leaders who
betrayed their calling (Rev.2:4). Ascending knowledge should always be met with a corresponding zeal (Titus 2:14). But while
knowledge had ascended, the zeal of most would rest on a comfortable plateau. Jesus refers to this as the “lukewarm”
church (Rev.3:14-19). All we have to do is to merely contrast what the Apostles accomplished in demonstrating the power of
GOD to deliver men from their afflictions (Matt.10:1) vs. today’s demonstrations in Christianity where most church members
have no testimony of the power of GOD in their lives. And this lack of personal testimony displays a lack of discernment of
the very channels of blessing that established and fortified the faith of Jesus Himself (Jn.7:15). But where there is often
seen great zeal in the church through the Pentecostal and charismatic movements, Satan lends his hand to deceive all who stand
Biblically illiterate to his deceptions by displaying his magic in counterfeiting the gifts of the Spirit (Rev.12:9), and
through misleading the ministers and through them the congregations all are led to declare as in the days of the Samaritan,
Simon Magus, “To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.”
Acts8:10. Satan’s tools of deception never change. How often we hear this today with the Benny Hinns, the Oral Roberts—the
Rod Parsleys. In light of this, let
us consider the suffering of life and reflect on the words of Paul for a moment: “For we know that the whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” Rom.8:22. Men have little concept of the cacophony of misery emanating
from this world: the continual shriek of pain, sorrow and despair that only GOD can hear. Blessed be the GOD of Heaven who
can withstand such roaring torment from the very creatures He intended to only live in peace and joy—forever. But man’s
ignorance and cruel indifference to the purposes of Satan against GOD proves the weakness of character that rules in the lives
The Bible’s record of history gives every insight to the events
of our future, as Paul illuminated the history of Israel to be our best source of prophetic education: “Now all these
things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”
I Cor.10:11. In light of this principle, in order to understand the character of Christianity leading to the 2nd Advent of
Christ, we merely review the character of religion at the time of His 1st Advent. Having an understanding of Bible history
and the constantly repeated lessons is key to know what is to come in our day as Solomon said in no uncertain terms (Eccl.1:9). Of
the 1st Advent of Christ it is written, “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea,
And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come
to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth
therefore fruits meet for repentance.” Matt.3:1,2,7,8.
To the Jews of Christ’s day, the Pharisees and Sadducees stood as the best-educated and most pious men of the
realm. Their scholarship included the memorization of entire passages and even books of “the law and the prophets.”
Their tone of voice was caring; their written words embellished on all that appeared righteous in their profession to serve
GOD. They did many works that were flawless in their public display of sanctity to the GOD of heaven, as the Apostle Paul
said when he stood among them: “touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” Phil.3:6. So, when
John the Baptist came on the scene, most of the people were unaware of the grotesque perversion of GOD’S truth being
carried out by these religious leaders. In a nutshell, the people were Biblically illiterate. Jesus declared that this illiteracy
extended to the scholars themselves as He said, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God”
(Matt.22:29). But the common, uneducated class of men entrusted their leaders for truth, guidance—and their salvation.
And the religious hierarchy relied on this illiteracy to maintain their leadership over the flocks (Eze.34). They betrayed
their trust as GOD’S stewards by smothering the true lessons of GOD’S Word with a thousand laws outside of Bible
guidelines—three hundred rules for Sabbath keeping alone. What a burden was placed on the backs of men that GOD never
called for (Matt.23:4,5). And yet,
the Jewish people saw their leaders as wise, disciplined servants of GOD, whose motives were never questioned. For who would
dare have the gall to go against the will of GOD while claiming a strict obedience to His service? (The same deception has
been carried forward throughout the modern era, just as it is written of the great Antichrist of Christian history: “Who
is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” Rev.13:4.) But John the Baptist declared to them, (which
includes the beasts of Rome and America in our generation), “O generation of vipers.” Due to the contrast between
John’s declaration and the pious appearance of the church leaders, many were led to believe: ‘John does not understand
the sincere desires of our leaders to serve God;’ ‘He’s been out in the wilderness a little too long;’
‘He’s had no formal education in Rabbinical Judaism;’ ‘I don’t see any great rabbi mentoring
him, or a Ph.D. after his name;’ ‘He’s just a hermit who’s jealous of the power and possessions of
others.’ Hence, the religious
upbringing of an entire nation was paving the way for its rejection of Jesus Christ and its utter destruction within a generation,
[as Jesus gave prophecy of Jerusalem’s devastation to His disciples and to those women weeping for Him on His path to
Calvary (Matt.24:15-20; Lu.23:28)]. But,
at long last, then came to the world’s view the “Saviour of all men” (I Tim.4:10), “the LORD”
Who is Jehovah, no less than His Father (Ps.50:3-6; Isa.25:9; Jn.8:58, 10:30; Phil.2:6), “the Word” who became
“the Son of man,” with “his name JESUS.” In His life is seen the most beautiful story in the history
of Earth: the infinitely marvelous knowledge that “Jehovah,” “the Son of God” became “the Son
of man!” The One who spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; the One who spoke with Abraham promising the safe
passage of his nephew Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra (Gen.18); the One who spoke to Moses to deliver the
children of Israel from the slavery of Egypt (Ex.3); the One who gave to the world the Ten Commandment Law (Jn.8:58); the
One who sat on “the mercy seat” of the most holy apartment of the Hebrew sanctuary (Ex.23:20); the One who stood
before Joshua as “Captain of the LORD’S host” (Josh.5:13-15); the One who said, “And let them make
me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them” (Ex.25:8); the One who said, “I am with you always, even unto the
end of the world” (Matt.28:20). The Creator, GOD, who became the Christ, presented the pure message of His coming Kingdom.
Every word He spoke were the words of the Father Himself (Jn.16:13), as Christ acknowledged this in His Grand Prayer (Jn.17:14). In the perfect vocabulary, in the perfect countenance,
in the perfect timing, in the perfect tone of voice, the Gospel of GOD’S salvation could not have been carried out any
more thoroughly than the method demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ (Isa.5:3,4). His absolute power over the elements
of the Earth; His compassion, united with heaven’s authority, delivered people from every affliction, whether of stormy
seas, demons holding men in suicidal insanity, hunger, the torments of disease—and even death itself! And these powerful
displays of His deliverance He left for His disciples to continue (Jn.5:20; 14:12). His attributes and achievements, united
with His message of the Father’s compassion and deliverance of His children from all affliction, available for the whole
human race to receive (Rom.5:18) was made known throughout the whole region of Judæa. Entering different towns, He often
stayed awake throughout the night, and “healed them all.” Matt.12:15.
And yet, even with this ultimate display of humanitarian effort, the religious leadership led the nation to declare,
“We will not have this man to reign over us.” Lu.19:14. In the end, the church leaders stood naked in their egotistical
pride and lust for power. And with satanic obstinacy against the pure logic of self-emptying love they stood condemned before
the very GOD they claimed to serve. Their profession of service to GOD and their declarations of care for their fellow man
were proven to be a sham, just as John the Baptist had warned everyone of their betrayal back in the beginning of his ministry.
But they would not “hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Rev.2:7.17; 3:6,13,22; *Mk.3:29). The destiny of pharisaical Judaism was now sealed.
Another thousand years would not change that fateful decision welded to their pride (Isa.30:12,13). And so it is with the
Orthodox Jews today. The moment of time had now come, a moment that has been repeated all throughout history. Looking back
nearly 4,500 years, we see how the religious leaders in the days of our righteous father Noah followed the same course of
self-righteous pride. In that extraordinary age, leading to the global flood, the whole world followed the insisted teachings
of its leaders in their declarations of religion, law and science (masquerading in the guise of virtue). Despite their illusion
of contribution, it is written: “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination
of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Gen.6:5.
Millenniums later, in the fall of Judah to the Babylonian captivity, the same rebellion against GOD’S Word occurred:
“Then all the men…even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying,
As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly
do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth.” Jer.44:15-17. These were men who came to Jeremiah asking him
to inquire of the LORD for their well-being and course of action, and whatever the LORD would say in His counsel they promised
to honor. But the drawing power of the Holy Ghost was quickly blasphemed: the enthusiasm of holy desire lasted for but a moment.
And so it is today with multitudes who give false assurances: brief moments of sincerity.
Of this age when Judah fell to ruin, illustrating the eternal stubbornness of the sinful heart against the Word of
GOD, the LORD said to His prophet, “Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them,
neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee.” Jer.7:16. The moment had come when every prayer of intercession
would avail nothing. The people’s decision was made, and nothing would ever change their minds. GOD’S gift of
a freewill was used to commit suicide, both here and forever. Unlike the devil and his puppets among men, GOD will never force
the will of anyone (Isa.53:7). If the Truth of GOD’S Love cannot reach the soul all the bullying and mockery will avail
nothing (I Jn.4:8). But the most important
example where men crossed the point of no return is seen in the public ministry of Jesus Christ. The Pharisaical system of
Judaism crossed that same boundary, where a million years of life would not alter their decision for self-destruction. Jesus,
with tearful, but authoritative voice gave a scathing rebuke, condemning the church leaders in their decision to never repent:
“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither
go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Matt.23:13. That entire passage of Christ’s
words to the religious leaders were expressed in a deeply mournful tone; for the loss of so many would be required at the
hands of so few who took it upon themselves the responsibility to lead an entire nation of GOD’S children to both national
and eternal ruin. (This principle is the key to understand where we are today!) And when push came to shove, their power and
authority was shown to be more important to them than the GOD they claimed to serve, and the Scriptures they claimed to be
their rule of life. Their manmade religion had become their god in violation of the 1st Commandment: “Thou shalt have
no other gods before me” (Ex.20:3). And Bible prophecy declares an identical state exists within the church today where
men only worship their own religion (Rev.13:4), not “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father.” Ja.1:27. For a short but potent 3 ½ years Christ
worked to illuminate the minds of the leaders through His testimony and that of the people who bore witness that no one but
Jesus has ever demonstrated such power or love in the history of man! But the celebrated tutoring, strictly enforced by the
Church, luring through pride the consent of all, was the very teaching that would compel the rape of the dignity of that Divine
Life who stood among them. Despite
the perfect evidence of GOD’S salvation (Isa.5:4), the religious leaders had Christ crucified as a vile criminal and
blasphemer by uniting as one with their utterly despised oppressors, the pagan idolaters of Rome. And so, 3 ½ years after the crucifixion, in 34 A.D.,
at the stoning of Stephen, (a great disciple of Christ), the Jewish nation sealed their fate (Acts 7:55,56). Of their own
free will the religious leaders led their nation to eternally sin against the very GOD they claimed to serve. At this moment
“the heavens opened” and Stephen beheld the Father and the Son looking down on the scene: a scene of most solemn
significance to the family of Abraham. Never again to stand as “His peculiar treasure” (Ps.135:4), the Jewish
nation closed their probation forever as the LORD’S evangelist to the world (Dan.9:24-27; Acts 13:46). The “seventy
weeks” prophecy of Daniel 9 came to a close [lasting 490 years (Num.14:34; Eze.4:6) from 457 B.C. (Ezra 7:11-26: Thompson’s
Chain Reference Bible) to 34 A.D.]. Jesus gave the prophetic assurance of this being so: “The kingdom of God shall be
taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” “Behold, your house is left unto you
desolate.” Matt.21:43, 23:38. 36
years after the stoning of Stephen, in 70 A.D., Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus of Rome while the most devout Jews who had
rejected Jesus as the Messiah were assembled there attending the feast (The History of Josephus). Long before the 1st Advent
of Christ, nearly 500 years before His Incarnation, the Words of GOD proclaiming Babylon’s fall found their parallel
application in the land of Judæa: “God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it…Thou art weighed in the
balances, and art found wanting.” Dan.5:26,27. These same words will find their counterpart today in America, and for
the very same reasons (Rev.17), all because men ignore the counsel of Solomon: “There is no remembrance of former things;
neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.” Eccl.1:11. How dreadful is the thought of men drowning
in their sins! And yet, they continually slap away the outstretched hand to pull them to safety, literally choosing to die
rather than submit to the perfection of GOD’S Love displayed in His Holy Word and Law (Jn.17:4; Heb.4:15). And the gift
of eternal life through Jesus Christ they cast away as “a thing of nought” (Amos 6;13; Rev.14:12, 22:14 KJV). For anyone to assert that this history of men’s
maligning of GOD’S Holy Word has not held sway throughout modern church history have not prayerfully compared today’s
Christian beliefs and practices with the purity of The Apostolic Gospel. A thousand years after Christ, this theme of Bible
illiteracy ruled throughout the history of the Roman Catholic Church when Papal Rome stood on the throne of Europe, promoting
the most sadistic and Unbiblical superstitions. And with their unsanctified doctrines they employed the pagan system of religious
blackmail [using the doctrines of Purgatory (eternal torment in hellfire), Indulgences (bribing GOD to allow for sin), the
eucharist and wine (where the priests claim to create the literal flesh and blood of Christ at their command: corrupting the
words of Christ (Jn.6:53), and the Confessional (where the priests usurp the authority of the only “one mediator between
God and men, the man Jesus Christ:” I Tim.2:5)]. By these methods, (which are still held today), they ruled the minds
of kings and nobles, and through them the common people.
Even today, in every particular, the traps of Satan hold tens of millions of professing Christians in the shackles
of sin, disqualifying their entrance into the kingdom of heaven (Matt.7:14; I Pet.4:18) simply due to the betrayal of our
religious leaders to the guidelines of salvation (Eze.34). Let us ask the simple question, Why? Satan has always and will
always lead his Bible illiterate victims [who “received not the love of the truth” (II Thess.2:10)] with displays
of the miraculous: visions of the virgin Mary showing little Catholic girls the tormented souls in the fires of hell, bleeding
statues promoting the idolatry of bowing before “graven images” (Ps.97:7) that is so prevalent within the church
(Ex.20:4-6), answered prayers of the dead saints (Isa.8:19), even counterfeit healing carried out by the devil that even in
the days of Christ openly competed with Christ’s healing ministry (Jn.5:1-9). Of these demonstrations and the deceiving
miracles to come (II Cor.11:14; Rev.16:14), the great Apostle Paul warned in a most solemn tone, “But though we, or
an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
Galatians 1:8. Satan will employ his every device before the end, including presenting himself as Jesus Christ before the
world‘s population (Matt.24:24). In
the midst of this grand finale of deception multitudes view themselves as saved when they stand condemned, simply because
of unrepented sin (Isa.59:2; Jer.3:5; Prov.28:13; Matt.7:21-23). As usual, it is due to the select few who have taken upon
themselves the power and authority over others, willingly taking to themselves a work for which they are unfit, yet are eager
for its power and carnal rewards. It is the same evil lust that beclouded the minds of Christ’s own disciples on the
night of the last supper: “And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.”
Lu.22:24. The Lord Jesus Christ, being moments away from His Gethsemane experience of literally sweating His blood [as the
world’s weight of sin bore down on Him (Matt.26:38)], followed by His being tortured, scourged and crucified by the
most vile union of church and state (where they nailed His hands and feet to a tree and left Him there to die)—those
who Jesus had personally tutored for 3 ½ years stood in the mindset of a pathetically-cruel indifference to what Christ
was about to face. Throughout their time together the Saviour had patiently worked with His disciples, to prepare them to
face with faith and courage His death on the cross. This includes Judas Iscariot. [It is written that Jesus even washed his
feet on the night of the last supper (Jn.13:1-5) urging Judas to change his course of betraying Jesus]. But their egotistical
pride and lust for power coupled with their religious upbringing (Pr.22:6) distracted them from the clear, ringing words of
Jesus (Lu.24:23). In truth, their religious upbringing played the leading role to embolden their pride to reject the very
Words Jesus spoke prophesying how His “kingdom is not of this world” (Jn.18:36) and how He had to die—so
that man could live (Jn.12:32). And yet, Jesus could not have said it any clearer: “Let these sayings sink down into
your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. But they understood not this saying, and it was hid
from them, that they perceived it not: and they feared to ask him of that saying. Then there arose a reasoning among them,
which of them should be greatest.” Lu.9:44-46.
The disciples’ views of the Messiah (His mission and character) trained from childhood stood in opposition to
the very words of Jesus Christ whose every word gave honor to those timeless lessons of the Old Testament, never once stepping
The GOD of heaven looks upon the sons of men, and His angels are meticulously
recording the deeds of men for “the books” of heaven (Dan.7:10; Rev.20:12), as the Saviour said, “For nothing
is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” Lu.8:17.
All history in this world must be perfectly chronicled, for the measure of every man is determined by how we look out for
one another. A man’s service to GOD is measured by his service to man (Matt.25:31-46; Rom.2:13-15). And by our prayerfully
acquiring correct expectations through “rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Tim.2:15), this method will demonstrate
the highest degree of skill by which we are able to care for one another; for everything in this world is a part of GOD’S
salvation (Matt.6:24). There is no neutral ground in Satan’s death-match with “his Maker,” Jesus Christ
(Eze.28:15; Jn.1:3).
As time nears the end, the rising tide of war, disease and destitution will demand a coordination that today’s
views in religion, government, medicine and science do not have, simply due to man’s pride and purpose to perpetuate
sin forever (Gen.3:22), as exemplified in the world’s most powerful religion, seated in Rome: the Vatican priesthood
who have eternally renounced two of the Ten Commandments (Dan.7:25): the 2nd and the 4th (Ex.20:4-6,8-11), the only two Commandments
that give honor to Jesus Christ as both Saviour and Creator. Over 800 verses of Scripture declare Christ as the Creator of
Heaven and Earth (Jn.1:3; Col.1:16). And there is only one Commandment that honors Him as such: the Holy Sabbath of the 4th
Commandment. But the church has overruled His rightful authority by refuting this basic moral and Bible fact. And by removing
the 2nd Commandment altogether the Roman church has removed the very “mercy” of GOD to sinful men (Ex.20:6) that
could only be carried out on the Cross of Calvary. The pope of Rome claims for himself the authority that belongs to Christ
alone (Dan.9:25). In the end of time the popes of Rome will be shown as the epitome of human arrogance. And all who have bowed
to the pope (without repentance before GOD) will one day bow to the grave (Ps.146:3-5).
There are other common snares working to lead the world into sin that are seen in today’s charismatic movement
in Christianity: “tongues,” “slain in the spirit,” “word of knowledge,” etc. whose miraculous
demonstrations are polluted with “doctrines of devils,” that Paul prophesied would come to rule the church, “deceiving
and being deceived” (I Tim.4:1; II Tim.3:13). The two great stumbling blocks in today’s Christianity are the Ten
Commandments and the state of the dead. For the church to refuse the Bible teaching of unconsciousness in death (Gen.2:17;
Ps.115:17, 146:4; Eccl.9:5,6,10; Acts 2:34; I Cor.15:51-57) this is setting the stage for the grand deception in the end of
time. Paul gave a prophetic warning that demons would come impersonating himself and the apostles as it is written, “But
though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
Gal.1:8. These miraculous displays common among evangelicals only work to harden men in sin, leading them away from the very
repentance the LORD Jesus Christ desires for them that His Spirit may dwell within their souls that they be raised in the
first resurrection (Jn.14:15-18), for faith and sin can have no partnership (Isa.59:2). Instead, men are inviting demons to
take possession of their minds and bodies (Lu.22:3), being lured by the “subtil” temptations (Gen.3:1). Testimonies
from tongue speakers bare this out, ranging from cursing Christ in Chinese or other languages to feelings of drunkenness and
sexual orgasms (Rom.1:20-25, 13:14). These testimonies are common from those who the LORD delivered from these cultic practices In all of the counterfeit miracles that take
place under the sin-promoting churches, Satan has the jurisdiction, not the LORD Jesus Christ (II Th.2:11,12). Therefore,
it is readily verified that GOD has no part in this version of religious law (Isa.43:24). For any man to juxtapose sin with
GOD’S Message of Salvation puts a blot on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and assaults His universal call to repentance (Eze.18:30). But for those who are genuinely ignorant of
their sin, the Righteousness of Christ covers all ignorant sins (Nu15:22-29), and the LORD will always intervene to bless
the lives of those faithful to Him within their bounds of understanding (Rom.2:13-15). But this encouraging promise also concludes:
“But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously…that soul shall be cut off.” (Nu.15:30). Only by true repentance
(Prov.28:13) can the Holy Spirit have the legal right to dwell in the soul of the penitent believer (Rom.8:11; Eph.4:30).
And the Bible is clear in its foundational doctrine of salvation: we cannot obey the Law of the Gospel without His presence
leading the way: to educate, to refine, to grow in His Grace (Jn.14:20, 15:5; Rom.8:7).
Multitudes in the church are living their lives in a façade of virtue. They are betraying their sacred trust,
having faith in themselves, their judgment, their egos. But from this great gulf that false religion has created to separate
humanity from the Truth “as the truth is in Jesus” (Eph.4:21), GOD will arrange the closing events of Earth’s
present history that will lead to the public inquiry, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). Then will be
seen the night and day contrast showing the “blameless” Christian from “the guilty” Christian (Ex.34:7).
But before these end-time scenes
(Rev.18:2-5), the LORD will have a people ready, to not only give the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its full and blameless
character, but also have the tangible means to carry out their love for their brethren who respond to this last appeal of
our Creator to His wayward children. James admonished this principle of practical ministry to be held in high esteem, “If
a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and
filled; notwithstanding ye give them not things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” Ja.2:15,16. A sensible Christian minister meets not only
their spiritual needs but their physical and emotional needs as well. This is why 50% of Christ’s ministry was medical
missionary work, as it is written of Christ: “And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed:
and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee…Arise,
take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.” Matt.9:2,6. To that man the knowledge of GOD’S forgiveness was far
more valuable to him than his desire to be physically healed. That’s why Jesus assured the man of his forgiveness first.
Christ demonstrated the value of healing every emotional as well as physical ailment that the peace of GOD might reside at
the citadel of our souls regardless of the afflictions we face (Jn.14:27).
Many sincere people join the Church with the promised assurance that the church upholds the Holy Bible’s call
to righteousness and the prophetic calling to warn the world to “repent” and prepare to meet the soon coming Christ
(Rev.22:12). This message is to be united with the Presence of Jesus Christ (Jn.14:15-21) living out the righteousness of
His Law in the lives of His faithful children through the power of the Holy Ghost (Rev.22:16). A goodly number from every
country have banned together, united to the honor of the Gospel message, striving to live up to the light of their understanding
(Rom.2:13-15). Generation after generation the church leadership asserts in tones of piety that they are continuously working
to mold the church ministry to be in harmony with “the Saviour of men” and “the Scriptures.” But
as time progresses and knowledge of the Gospel increases, many discover that the church has circumvented the essential doctrines
of the Holy Bible from the Ten Commandments to the state of the dead, creating a plethora of contradictions within Holy Writ.
And thus many Scripture passages do not receive the steadfast respect the church claims to give. While none demand perfection
due to our sinful natures (Rom.7:14-20), it is obvious that GOD waits for His professing people to acknowledge the legal means
that GOD ordained through His Word to save His children—as well as the perfect logic of His closing work: to be His
instruments to bless those who stand in ignorance, telling them (the whole human race) who they are “in Christ,”
and how they now stand in the place of Adam before sin entered—in the place of innocence, as verified in the words of
Paul, “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” I Cor.15:22. The fact that the whole human race is to be raised from the
grave proves that Jesus Christ has literally and legally removed the entire inheritance of sin that was bequeathed to us without
our choice; that with this new probation (Rom.6:1,2), all can have the assurance of GOD to empower them to abstain from sin
through the very presence of Jesus Christ (Jn.15:4), who has united with the power of the Holy Spirit (Jn.14:16-18); and thus,
literally dwells within the soul of the Bible believing Christian.
Through faith in Christ’s conquering of sin’s dominion, in all its jurisdiction over life (Matt.28:18),
through this message of GOD’S creative power to save every man, the Holy Spirit can draw from all men, women, and children
a joyful desire to “walk even as He walked” (I Jn.2:6). In Christ’s close companionship with the believing
Christian, “he is able to succour them that are tempted.” Heb.2:18. The redeemed sinner is assured that he can
overcome, even as Jesus overcame (Rev.3:21). All the guilt and shame that sin has brought, Jesus carried it to the Cross.
GOD never asks us of anything beyond His ability of provision (Lu.11:13).
The Bible’s promise is simple: we do not have to be sinning sinners, as Paul admonished, “Shall we continue
in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” Rom.6:1,2.
Of those who give permission for the LORD to lead their lives to victory over sin, it has been promised that after the final
tragic events of Earth’s present history [for “those which are alive and remain” (I Th.4:17)] there will
be no trace of allegiance to Satan whatsoever: no adulterous affair with the devil’s seductive temptations, as it is
written, “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins [blameless and without blemish (I Cor.11:2)].
These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men [the living (Dan.12:1; I Thess.4:17)],
being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the
throne of God.” Rev.14:4,5. The Savior’s grand declaration will be emulated in them: “the prince of this
world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” Jn.14:30. After all is said and done, every affection for the ways of this world
will have been removed (I Jn.2:15-17; Lu.17:32).