“WHAT IS TRUTH?”—Pontius Pilate
The choice given to every man by the Creator of heaven and earth is simple: everlasting life for the obedient: eternal
death for the disobedient. Obedient to what? Truth! The once ruler of Judea, Pontius Pilate,
asked the question of Jesus Christ, "What is truth?" Jn.18:38. Jesus gave the answer to this question—to those
who believe—in His Grand Prayer, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." Jn.17:17. Those whose
hearts yearn for truth, and with a deep love aspire to its knowledge, GOD will lead every hungry soul to its riches, even
in the lives of those incapable of accessing a Bible. The lessons of GOD’S truth are found everywhere, in nature, in
family devotion, and in the many things that cause pain in the soul. To maintain a tender heart is key to hearing the “still,
small voice” of GOD. It is within
these broad dynamics of GOD’S working on the hearts of men that the Holy Bible will judge every man who has ever lived
(Jn.12:48), whether they were aware of it or not (Zech.13:6), and the Bible gives allowances for every case (Eze.18:30). On
this simple fact, the Savior has warned those who claim His service but trample His work to save souls from sin, "Not
every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven." Matt.7:21. The will of GOD is found in the Word of GOD. The greatest testament to this fact is found
in the life of Christ. Jesus had to know Who He Was—by faith; believe the written testimony concerning what He was to
accomplish on the behalf of man—by faith; and overcome the sinful nature He adopted when He became a man—by faith
(Rev.3:21). What was His standard against ignorance? "It is written." Every aspect of the human condition, the flaws
of human character, the destructive relationships between men and GOD, and with one another, are pinpointed to exact measurement.
The Bible has omitted nothing that deals with the history and character of GOD’S people. Said the King of the redeemed,
"But take ye heed, Behold, I have foretold you all things." Mk.13:23. When the whole of mankind stands before Jesus
Christ in the end of time it will be seen who loves GOD’S “truth” and who does not: "Then shall ye
return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not."
Mal.3:18. Jesus warned, "Beware
of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by
their fruits." Matt.7:15,16. Jesus then describes in the Day of Judgment how multitudes of unrepentant sinners come to
Him claiming to have served Him. And His response: "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Ver.23.
Jesus can have no association with those who chose sin over Him.
Whenever and wherever GOD is working to establish His Truth of Salvation, Satan has stirred his pawns among men to
block its momentum, restrain its voice, and murder those who stand for GOD and His Salvation, whose final display of religious
tyranny is on the horizon of our day. In each case Satan established his truth-diverting religions to rule in the government.
There are three examples in history where this hellish intervention was seen: 1.
In the days of GOD’S Servant, Prophet and Missionary, Daniel, “a man greatly beloved” (Dan.10:11), GOD’S
message of salvation through the coming Messiah went to all the nations within reach of Babylon, and Persia. But within a
hundred years of Daniel’s death arose Confucianism, reformed Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. The agents for each of these
counterfeit religions promising salvation took control of the governmental powers to stamp out the influence of Daniel’s
work. 2. Then came the most magnificent display of godliness ever witnessed
among men: the coming of Jesus Christ! In the days of Christianity’s message of salvation through the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, it’s moral character of total deliverance from sin and death was so profound on the hearts
of men that it was spreading like fire in the dry tinder. But threatening the very core of heathenism, once again, Satan stepped
in, and over time raised up church/state systems to stamp out any influence of “this gospel of the kingdom” (Matt.24;14).
The false prophet Mohammed, the false king of Christendom, the pope, and the counterfeit messiah, Krishna of the Hindu Brahmans,
each imposed their wills over the conscience of men in denial of Christ’s explicit command to never lord religious authority
over men (Lu.22:25,26). 3. After France decreed the pope’s civil
power at an end in 1798, and the American and British Bible societies began to flourish, establishing stations all over the
Earth, a new movement began. The 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ began to be preached! Until the blight of Rome’s persecution
was removed it was not considered an important doctrine. But with the rise of Adventism the message spread quickly. Along
side of this new fervor for Christ’s coming the discovery of the Bible’s key of prophetic interpretation became
a pillar to understand where the church stood in the Bible’s prophetic history, outlined in Daniel and Revelation. The
key was simple yet hidden for centuries: one prophetic day=one literal year (Nu.14:34; Eze.4:6). This doctrine was verified
when Josiah Litch perfectly traced to the very day the Ottoman Empire of Islam would cease to be a world power (Rev.9). And
then, at long last, the call to honor all Ten of the Commandments of Jesus Christ (Jn.8:58) cemented the Advent movement.
Thus began the work to restore the Judean model of Christianity established by the Apostles’ Peter and Paul (I Thess.2:14). In each of these times of history several counter
movements suddenly arose to blur the work of GOD on the Earth; and thus, make null and void the power of the Holy Spirit in
the lives of men through religious diversions that always and without exception worked to perpetuate sin. The Bible’s
truth in each of these eras has been replaced with fictional fairytales devised of Satan for the purpose of keeping his false
religions in the supremacy. And when it is discovered that the truth of GOD’S message has been surgically removed from
the knowledge of men unto this day, it will be seen that our religious leaders’ assurances today of what the future
holds are likewise corrupt and will not stand. Understanding Bible prophecy is the key to differentiate the obedient from
the disobedient. And the very foundation of the Reformation was built on the prophecies of Rome, both pagan and papal eras
specified in Daniel 2,7 and Revelation 13,17, whose Bible-obedient theology has been deleted in today’s popular churches.
But as we study the dissimilarity
between Scripture and the ruling church’s view of prophetic history, it will be clear to any reasonable person so as
to make one laden with regret over how the obvious truth of both Christ’s salvation and prophetic history could be so
arrogantly overruled but still be accepted by the mass of today’s church congregations. "And if the blind lead
the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Matt.15:14.
To distinguish GOD’S obedient church from the disobedient—the sincere servant of GOD from the one merely
using GOD to satisfy a sinful ambition, one must allow Scripture to define sin and repentance, for this lies at the heart
of the plan of salvation. And when we lay the foundation of Bible literacy to understand the plan of salvation we are blessed
to discern the boundaries of GOD’S jurisdiction in the lives of men: where He has the right to bless and protect, and
where He is legally helpless to intervene to protect His children from the jurisdiction of Satan’s mechanisms of destruction.
GOD’S legal framework to rescue humanity must be understood, for the many traps of Satan used to deceive men to keep
them united with their sins (Eze.28:15,16; Rev.12:17), thus causing their ruin (Is.59:2) are not known in the world, and little
understood within Christianity (Hos.4:6). Therefore, it is the primary goal of Satan to keep men ignorant to Scripture (Matt.22:29)
and disobedient to GOD (I Sam.15:22). To accomplish this, Satan works to discredit Scripture, malign its lessons, and corrupt
every trace of GOD’S intentions in how He deals with the sin problem. This is evident from Satan’s very first
words recorded in the Bible: "Hath GOD said…? Gen.3:1.
Sin is so much more than men give recognition: "Thy commandment is exceeding broad." Ps.119:96. The Bible’s
prophecies for the Christian era declare that the Vatican overruled GOD’S Law just as did the Jews of ancient times
(Dan.7:25; Jn.7:19; II Th.2:1-12). The parallels between the generations are so obvious, and yet man’s blindness to
his transgression continues. Because of this, each of the prophetic views held today come from men who live in open sin; and
their true work is to overshadow the churches guilt of proselytizing sin as part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But faith
and sin are not partners in salvation! GOD’S call to repent (Prov.28:13) means to separate from the sins that disqualify
the soul from the companionship of the Holy Spirit, for without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit none can receive
the everlasting inheritance (Is.59:2; Rom.8:11; Jn.3:3).
The Apostles of Christ warned the church to repent and abstain from every transgression of GOD’S Ten Commandment
Law: "For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to
turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them." II Pet.2:21. But their love affair with tradition overrules reform:
their complacency has surrendered the will to accept a life of sin. They demand to be saved in sin instead of from sin. This
works against the first fruit of believing the Gospel, which is repentance. If a man who abuses his wife apologizes, then
moments later abuses her again, of what value was his apology? This illustrates what is so common among church members: a
shallow repentance, where a general lack of remorse prevents the needed reform. They refuse to understand the detestable nature
of sin and separate from its moldering influence.
Without meeting the Bible’s conditions of salvation this opens the floodgates for fraudulent doctrine to bear
sway over the church that Paul warned would rule the church in the last days (I Tim.4:1-3). All should study the historical
cause and effect of how the amalgamation of truth and error came to rule the Christian church and how it still continues with
an equivalent force today.