TO LIFE’S DESTRUCTION Before we begin, let it
be known that if the world kept the Ten Commandments given by Jesus Christ (Jn.8:58) there would be no wars or locks on doors.
Prisons would be turned into gardens and every weapon of war dismantled. All toxic contamination of life would be brought
to a halt, and every child would have a glimpse of utopian life in a world where all man-made threats would be vanquished.
But this will never happen under the authorities that oversee the destiny of civilization. While religion has its long bitter
history of denying GOD'S authority, sacrificing children by fire, military conquest under the guise of GOD'S command,
and persecuting anyone and anything that questions their dogma, modern atheism never includes itself in the abuse of the dignity
of life in our generation. While viewing themselves as having loftier standards of morality and understanding they stand in
the same pitiful unrepentant condition with the egocentric religionists they view themselves superior to.
The following treatise addresses their contribution to the never-ending slander of all that is “holy, and just,
and good,” that we can get a handle on the corporate condition of the human race. Man is not inherently righteous as
he flatters himself to be. The rise and fall of nations, the broken promises of our political leaders, the unending competition
in business and war, the total lack of any reforms for the obvious abuses of power, these demonstrate a very simple principle:
Man is unfit to govern himself! And the GOD Who alone is fit to lead, men refuse His Authority, as clearly spelled out in
Scripture, both in and out of the church.
This all stems from man's insatiable lust for power. "O that I were king" is the basic trait seen in
virtually all men. And those who demonstrate a meek spirit are viewed as weak and unworthy to lead. It is as when Solomon
wrote: "There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and
built great bulwarks against it: Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no
man remembered that same poor man. Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is
despised, and his words are not heard. The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among
fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good." Eccl.9:14-18.
In today's society Christians take a lot of flack
from atheists. On YouTube videos showing the evidence of creation science the hecklers show up en masse to mock and ridicule
the scientific evidence supporting Scripture's history of the creation of the world. This is because atheists perceive
themselves as scientifically and ethically superior to religionists and are alone worthy to lead mankind to a better future.
In this assertion they take great pride. But through atheist-run public education our children stand among the most ignorant
among the industrialized nations in the basics of education. Likewise, a belligerent spirit is seen in the atheist-run industries
throughout the world where the toxicity of life and the abuse of labor has increased exponentially since the dawn of the industrial
revolution. Even the clothes we wear are being produced by wage slaves in the Third World. This is because western civilization
has only outsourced the abuse of slavery, they haven't banned it. In addition, what is not considered is the effect atheism
has had on modern industry, and its contribution to the toxic contamination of the entire planet, from the lowest plankton
up through the food chain to the very top: the diet of man.
Let us review a few of atheism’s contributions to life’s destruction. 1. Industrial pollution has adversely assaulted
life’s biodiversity for the last two centuries and continues to increase globally. Every American & European carries
over one hundred manmade chemical toxins in their tissues: many of which adversely affect our physical health, intellectual
capacity and moral inclinations. In the 1930’s it was discovered that the IQ of the average American dropped dramatically
from the previous generations of the 19th century. This is due to the industrialization of animal meat that replaced the plant
based diet of the earlier generations. Every nation’s increase of disease can also be traced to its increase of meat
2. With modern food production, with it’s artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,
irradiation, variety of preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, fillers, and ingredients like “Brominated Ester of
Wood Rosin” (hm hm hmm!) is it any wonder a McDonald’s hamburger has a shelf life of a thousand years, where even
the basic mold fungus won’t touch it with a ten foot pole? 3. Western
atheist corporations have outsourced heavy industrial pollution to China and India so that we Americans can be spared further
toxic contamination. We’ll just let them pay the consequences for our insatiable greed, because hey, there is no GOD
to be accountable to, right? We are exempt from His laws both moral and physical that are as plain as day to insure the security
and perpetuation of life. 4. Atheist oil companies push for drilling rights
in every pristine environment of the Earth. Along side of them is the natural gas cartel, fracking in populated areas that
is repeatedly and in a variety of ways proven to cause incalculable harm to wildlife and human beings by contaminating the
most basic component of life’s sustenance: water. 5. No one talks
about the atheist drug companies’ prescription drug deaths. This "chemical genocide" is part and parcel of
the mass of deaths caused by modern atheistic medicine, where ignorant, greed-driven doctors are routinely bribed by the drug
giants. According to the report, Death by Medicine, by Drs. Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Dorothy
Smith, the medical establishment kills 783,936 people in the United States alone every year. And when drug companies make
$100 billion profit per year and pay malpractice guilty pleas of $3 billion, the profit tradeoff is a no-brainer for these
atheists, all because they say there is no GOD. Thus, they deny Jesus Christ, as so many have, even in the church, "saying,
We will not have this man to reign over us." Lu.19:14. 6. Atheists
behind the nuclear power industry have taken toxic contamination of life to its highest level. Nuclear waste is highly radioactive.
These radioactive materials cause radiation sickness and deformities in newborns. Nuclear radiation of this kind is generally
harmful to any living thing regardless of science fiction movies teaching the opposite. Radioactive materials range from solids
to liquids and so many of them can contaminate water and soil. While radioactivity diminishes over time, only the materials
that decay slowly are considered dangerous, as they require storage in a safe, isolated environment for long, long periods
of time. To which dumping in the environment is often preferable for the short-sighted, profit-minded companies. Contamination
can also happen when these sites are damaged by disasters. In these cases, not only is the waste product a threat but also
highly radioactive components of nuclear technologies are exposed to the environment, spreading radiation throughout the vicinity
and exacerbating an already catastrophic situation as seen in Chernoble, Three Mile Island, and now Fukashima that threatens
the entire sea population in the northern Pacific Ocean. 7. Lastly, there
is the simple hustling of godless men in businesses where customers are routinely lied to and suffer outright theft and price
gouging. And where CEOs’ lavish incomes unjustly contrast with the minimum wage workers who cannot live a sustainable
life on the pittance of income provided by their employers, all overseen by a corrupt government and judicial system that
lives on the bribes and favoritism so often seen. Then there is the unethical advertising where the product’s benefits
are only mentioned but never the product’s limitations and designed obsolescence. This fundamentally immoral philosophy
of atheism is nothing short of criminal, because within their accounting estimates they accept a "reasonable" loss
of life, betrayal of trust, and thus robs the dignity of life GOD ordained "In the beginning." And through this
atheistic philosophy that rules today’s society, this is viewed as a perfectly acceptable standard of moral business
practice, thus fulfilling the words of Paul: "The love of money is the root of all evil." I Tim.6:10.
In closing, the authority held today within atheistic society will never be relinquished
due to the sting of humiliation that these men and women would have to face were they to acknowledge that the foundation of
their belief system is in fact a lie and betrays the dignity of life no less than the unconverted, unrepentant Christians
they view their superiority to and bitterly oppose at every opportunity. While each claims the arm of righteousness, both
stand condemned in their sins. Life
has the most miserable destiny according to current atheistic thought; and this is assured to the common man as beneficial
to life, impartial science, and a trustworthy plan for man's future. This intellectual coercion, shrouded under a façade
of piety is just another example of tyranny against truth; and it is no different in spirit than the religious tyranny that
Roman Catholicism exercised during the dark ages of western civilization. Of those days it has been said: "The noontide
of the papacy was the world’s moral midnight." The same might be said for the atheistic authority that rules in
our day: "The noontide of atheism is the intellectual midnight of true knowledge."
In our day the same tactics employing deception and oppression are being carried out through atheistic government and
law. People don't know they're being betrayed until they see the truth. When men in leadership roles are confronted
with the plain evidence overturning their opinions (whether of science or religion) the evil passions that all people possess
are eager to rise up and respond with an arrogant pride and/or persecution.
We need to understand the contrast between the fables of man and the laws of true government where we are truly safe
in one another’s care.

Keepers invites every Christian to join the closing work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and establish twelve member groups
within your respective country, heralding the titles: Commandment Keepers Kenyan Assembly, British Assemby,
Brazilian Assembly, etc. As the Bible teaches, the redeemed of earth will come from "every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people." Rev.14:6. And all will have stood faithful to Christ's Words, "But if thou wilt
enter into life, keep the commandments." Matt.19:17. To meet the specific cultural
needs of the different peoples of the world, a custom tailored witness is vital for successful evangelism. While the
message of Salvation through the Creator/Christ is universal in its scope, people's cultural affections vary greatly from
land to land. What can bring tears of joy to one group can actually harden the hearts of another.
To receive this ministry outline click "The Evangelists" below. It contains all the materials needed to succeed
in this invaluable type of ministry. Two reasons for the need of small church
companies at this time in history: 1. There are six branch ministries, which cover all areas of the closing gospel
work, providing each member with an invaluable task. Teamed up in pairs for each of the branch ministries, none
will sit on the sidelines, feeling useless, and where each have equal value to the success of the ministry's
work. 2. Economic streamlining has become an essential factor in the closing work. As America
and other countries proceed in their place in Bible prophecy a structure of ministry must be in place to carry out
the Savior's closing work on the minds and hearts of the people just at the time it is needed the most. This efficient, low cost approach to the closing work will be lavished with
GOD'S blessing. Each of these small church companies will be given an eloquent, persuasive testimony
by GOD: to share in the most privileged work on Earth: enlightening the world with His Glory: His redeeming love found in
the truth, as the truth is in Jesus:" as Creator of heaven and earth; what He has done: as
bearing the punishment for the sins of men; and what He is doing: interceding on behalf of His faithful children who are continuously
accused of the devil; and what He will do: deliver His faithful children when He comes again.
Through His Presence, Guidance and Intervention, the faith of Bible literate and obedient Christians will swell
to a lofty summit, preparing them for the coming of the LORD. Lastly,
no tithe is required except to budget your ministry's needs.
Liberty Seminars: Bible Prophecy: Your Key To The Future
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Commandment Keepers 2116 Linden Highway Hohenwald, TN 38462