
scholar of the Reformation identified Revelation, chapter 13 as the encapsulated history of the apostate Christian church.
Verses 1 to 10 are ascribed to Rome's apostasy. While the United States of America had not yet been established the scholars
could not identify the latter verses to our day and age. The following verse-by-verse commentary is intended to enlighten
us to the wisdom of GOD in providing the prophetic insight to see where we are, in both time and character. Rev.
13:11-18 11) "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth [which, in this timeline chronologically
follows the first beast, rising in a land largely unpopulated (“the earth”), in contrast to the first beast rising
out of “the sea” which represents "peoples, nations multitudes and tongues” (Rev. 17:5). The one great
kingdom that has risen in a largely unpopulated area since the removal of papal Rome from her secular domination in 1798 is
the United States of America]; and he had two horns like a lamb [Republican government and Liberty of conscience are uplifted
as the ruling concepts for moral foundation, forbidding any religious authoritarianism through the First Amendment to the
Constitution], and he spake as a dragon [continual exercise of hypocrisy by claiming to honor justice, and mercy, while working
through acts of oppression, to weaken the very fabric of our mutual liberties established through the Constitution, ultimately
leading society to full-blown religious tyranny]. 12) And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before
him [via the religious leaders restoring the spirit of Roman inquisition and working to gain an absolute civil authority that
Christ condemned and commanded should never exist (Mk.10:42-45)], and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship
the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed [The reestablishment of a church/state system of government under the auspices
of the Vatican, legislating laws enforcing the worship of GOD, thereby removing the religious freedoms from the Constitution
as established by our Protestant forefathers]. 13) And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down
from heaven on the earth in the sight of men [through Satan’s power the leaders of apostasy cause fire to fall from
the sky burning up people and animals thereby securing more control over the people (Job 1:16; Matt. 24:23,24; II Cor. 11:13-15)], 14) And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight
of the beast [leading earth's population into a unanimous rebellion against GOD'S Law and the Gospel of Christ (Is.
8:20; 34:16; I Jn. 2:3-6; 5:3)]; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast [by a
national law, and from there into international law, the violation of the Ten Commandments of GOD (Rev. 12:17; 22:14) as have
already been dismissed by papal Rome by the removal of the 2nd and 4th Commandments], which had the wound by a sword, and
did live [inflicted on the papacy by "a sword" of General Berthier in 1798.] 15) And he [the church
leadership of America] had power to give life unto the image of the beast [through demanding the legislation of laws enforcing
the worship of GOD removing the 1st Amendment to the Constitution], that the image of the beast should both speak [with unrestrained
authority], and cause [by enacting civil laws of tyranny] that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should
be killed [where civil penalties increase, leading to the death sentence. When the U.S. decrees death for the Commandment-keeping
Christians, they have, in the eyes of heaven, pronounced the same sentence on themselves (Gal.6:7). A swift destruction awaits
the population of earth (Lu.18:7,8).] 16) And he [Protestant America] causeth all, both small and great, rich
and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand [through their actions of obeying the law of religious apostasy
(Ps.94:20,21)], or in their foreheads [by accepting this law through the intellect of the mind (Jer.3:3; Eze.3:8)]: 17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his
name [through governmental confiscation of all legal holdings, forbidding any ability to provide life- support for family
and friends (Eze.34:1-16)]. 18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. ["Vicarius filii Dei" (or Vicar
of Christ) is the Pontiffs official title of which he himself claims. The numerical value of each of the letters of the pope's
title, "Vicarius filii Dei," adds up to exactly 666 in each of the Biblical languages of Hebrew, Greek and Latin;
the same three languages used on the placard posted on the Cross of Christ. This, in conjunction with the history of atrocities
against Christians for 1260 years, as specified 7 times in prophecy (Dan. 7:25, 11:33, 12:7; Rev. 11:2, 12:6, 12:14, 13:5),
committing the blasphemy of claiming attributes of Deity, removing two Commandments from His Sacred Law (the 2nd and the 4th
Commandments, the ones pointing directly to Christ as Savior and Creator), and, removing over seventeen centuries of Christian
history from Bible prophecy—with all this, one's understanding becomes clear: the religious systems of Catholicism
and Apostate Protestantism are in the service of Satan, not Jesus Christ, and are "the beast" and "the false
prophet" of Revelation's uninterrupted history of GOD'S church from the days of the Apostles through the close
of earth's present history. Their mutual destruction is prophesied (Rev.19:20); and only those who disassociate themselves
from the sins of these two corrupt systems claiming fidelity to Jesus Christ will be spared the coming plagues that will devastate
the world before the LORD comes in power and glory (Rev.18:4)].

Keepers invites every Christian to join the closing work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and establish twelve member groups
within your respective country, heralding the titles: Commandment Keepers Kenyan Assembly, British Assemby,
Brazilian Assembly, etc. As the Bible teaches, the redeemed of earth will come from "every nation, and kindred,
and tongue, and people." Rev.14:6. And all will have stood faithful to Christ's Words, "But if thou wilt
enter into life, keep the commandments." Matt.19:17. To meet the specific cultural
needs of the different peoples of the world, a custom tailored witness is vital for successful evangelism. While the
message of Salvation through the Creator/Christ is universal in its scope, people's cultural affections vary greatly from
land to land. What can bring tears of joy to one group can actually harden the hearts of another.
To receive this ministry outline click "The Evangelists" below. It contains all the materials needed to succeed
in this invaluable type of ministry. Two reasons for the need of small church
companies at this time in history: 1. There are six branch ministries, which cover all areas of the closing gospel
work, providing each member with an invaluable task. Teamed up in pairs for each of the branch ministries, none
will sit on the sidelines, feeling useless, and where each have equal value to the success of the ministry's
work. 2. Economic streamlining has become an essential factor in the closing work. As America
and other countries proceed in their place in Bible prophecy a structure of ministry must be in place to carry out
the Savior's closing work on the minds and hearts of the people just at the time it is needed the most. This efficient, low cost approach to the closing work will be lavished with
GOD'S blessing. Each of these small church companies will be given an eloquent, persuasive testimony
by GOD: to share in the most privileged work on Earth: enlightening the world with His Glory: His redeeming love found in
the truth, as the truth is in Jesus:" as Creator of heaven and earth; what He has done: as
bearing the punishment for the sins of men; and what He is doing: interceding on behalf of His faithful children who are continuously
accused of the devil; and what He will do: deliver His faithful children when He comes again.
Through His Presence, Guidance and Intervention, the faith of Bible literate and obedient Christians will swell
to a lofty summit, preparing them for the coming of the LORD. Lastly,
no tithe is required except to budget your ministry's needs.
Liberty Seminars: Bible Prophecy: Your Key To The Future
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Author's Faith Biography
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Commandment Keepers 2116 Linden Highway Hohenwald, TN 38462